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Lillie was born on October 28th, 2002. She has beautiful blond hair, amazing pink lips, and her eyes were emerald green just like her Father's.

She was always different. Never played with other kids. She always loved to read. She had an appreciation for knowledge. She also had a big interest in Norse mythology. She never knew who her Father truly was.

Catherine changed her name to Martha Smith. Three months after she changed her name she realized she was pregnant. Catherine purchased a beautiful one story house in Chicago. She never married and gave all her time to Lillie.

So often times, Catherine noticed how alike Lillie was to Loki. Not only did they share those emerald eyes, but intellect and mischievousness. She wished for Lillie to know Loki and even be with him...she knew, however, that would be impossible.

Lillie had only one friend his name was Marshall. They met in 3rd grade when Marshall first moved to Chicago. They talked about their favorite Norse god Loki. That is how they became immediate friends.

Lillie's life seemed to be perfect. Soon she would be turning thirteen and things were about to change.

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