Heroes v Mercenaries

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Chapter 25

Heroes v Mercenaries

Outside Sionis Industries

Batman, Wonder Woman, and Captain Marvel flew to Sionis Industries. Wonder Woman held Batman by the arms to bring him there. Outside they saw Deathstroke and Bane. It was almost as if they were expecting them. The Mercenaries knew that they were going to save Superman. In order to do that however, the Heroes would have would have to go through the Mercenaries.

Wonder Woman dropped Batman from about twenty feet from the ground. Batman glided to attack Deathstroke. Deathstroke drew his sword and was ready.

When Batman landed, Deathstroke charged. Deathstroke tried to attack Batman with a strike from above. Batman put his arm gauntlets out and blocked the sword. Batman then grabbed the sword by the handle and smashed it against his knee. His knee shattered the sword.

Deathstroke didn't have any weapons. This was going to be a battle of who could fight better. Deathstroke got in a fighting stance. He charged towards Batman. Deathstroke jumped and was going to kick Batman in the chest with his heel. Batman caught Deathstroke's foot with his hands and slammed Deathstroke on the floor. Batman then started beating Deathstroke's mask off. He knew Deathstroke could take it. They had fought in the past. With the tenth punch, Batman knocked him out. Batman was the superior fighter. Deathstroke couldn't stand a chance.

Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel handled Bane. He was going to be easy. Captain Marvel grabbed Bane's giant body by the chest and yelled the powerful words "Shazam!" The words summoned a lightning bolt that stuck Bane on the chest. Bane's chest hairs were all gone and smoke blew off of his chest. Bane was weak, he could barely throw a punch. Captain Marvel, who was still holding Bane then threw him on the rocky ground in front of Wonder Woman.

Bane got up and tried to whack Wonder Woman from the side. Wonder Woman grabbed Bane's eight inch hand and threw him into a wall that was ten feat away. However Bane got back up. He was weak though. He could barely walk. Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman charged towards Bane and rammed him in the chest. Bane's huge body fell on the floor. Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel then knocked him out with a dual blow to the face.

Batman then picked up Deathstroke and Captain Marvel picked up Bane. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Captain Marvel then head to the roof of the Lexcorp HQ where they were going to breach in the building from there.

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