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Chapter 22


Taipei (1997)

Bruce had just finished his training and was ready to become a member of the League of Shadows. He was walking in the training hall where he saw Ducard in a grey barred cage. He was bleeding out.

"What are you doing with him?!" Bruce asked.

"You're going to kill him; last night he was found send messages to the United Kingdom military, he is a traitor!" Ra's Al Ghul said. Ra's Al Ghul was the Grandmaster, the leader of the temple.

"I can't kill him, he was my mentor." Bruce said.

"Do you dare question the league?!" Ra's Al Ghul said with ninjas standing behind him.

"No I don't," Bruce answered.

He walked up to the cage. Ducard was bloody all over. Bruce lifted up his sword, and then he threw a ninja star at an explosive barrel. It exploded and blew up the barrels next to it. The temple was on fire. Bruce grabbed Ducard and headed for the exit. Ra's Al Ghul and his ninja got in his way. Bruce took down the ninjas first then Ra's. He pushed Ra's into a spear, where it stabbed him in the chest. Bruce left with Ducard.

"Bruce, le-leave m-me," Ducard said.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" Bruce said.

"You h-have to, or y- you won't sur-survive. I won't sur-survive what s-so e-ever."

Bruce set down Ducard. "I'll never forget you."

Bruce ran outside the temple and saw it explode right in front of him It burnt Ducard with it.

"Nooooo!" Bruce screamed, but Ducard was gone.

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