Captured Again

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Chapter 21

Captured Again


Superman was flying to his ten year old orphaned kid friend Billy Batson. He was holding a bag of Carls Jr. for Billy so he could eat. The two met when Superman found Billy under a pile of rocks after the Metropolis War. Superman was at Billy's side every step of the way to recovery.

Superman saw Billy getting robbed by a man with a shirt with the word O' Brien on it, in front of Billy's one roomed apartment. Billy lived alone; he was a homeless orphan, so he had to look for food in garbage.

"Give the boy back his money." Superman said.

"O-ok S-superman, ju-just don't arrest m-me please!" O' Brien

"Don't worry, just lose the gun and the ski mask and stop these muggings." Superman said. "You're better than this."

The man walked away taking off the mask and dropping the gun. "I never meant to hurt anyone." O' Brien said.

"Hello Billy, did he hurt you?" Superman asked.

"No, he just scared me a little." Billy said. "Why was he trying to mug me? He didn't seem like a bad guy..."

"The Metropolis War effected all of us. He probably lost so much, he couldn't find anything better to do. Wars tend to let people see the whole picture." Superman said.

"What did you bring?" Billy pointed to Superman's bag, changing the subject.

"Two Deluxe Famous Stars," Superman said. The two ate their Deluxe Famous Stars. Food got all over Billy's mouth. "Wipe the food off your mouth Billy." Superman chuckled.

"Ok Superman. I have a question." Billy said.

"What is it?" Superman asked.

"My parents told me, before they got arrested, before I became an orphan, if I do good, then good will come back to me. Every action I do in my life, I always think about that phrase. So I always do good or I try, and good hasn't come back to me. I'm starting to think that being good isn't all that great anymore." Billy frowned.

"You just have to be patient Billy, trust me and your parents; if you keep doing the right thing good things will happen. You just need to wait." Superman said.

"Ok Super-," Billy couldn't finish.

A flying man with a buzz cut and a lightning bolt on his black suit broke through the buildings and punched Superman in the face.

"Run Billy!" Superman commanded. Billy ran away to the police. "Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Black Adam. Lex Luthor has sent me to capture you." Black Adam stated.

"Luthor?" Superman questioned.

Black Adam roundhouse kicked Superman in the chest. Superman tried punching Black Adam in the face but Black Adam caught his punch. Black Adam then grabbed Superman by the chest and yelled the words "Shazam!" A magical lightning bolt hit Superman in the chest. Superman was weak. Black Adam then threw Superman on the floor and kicked him in the face to knock him out. Black Adam then picked him up and brought him to Lex Luthor.

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