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Chapter 19



Superman had been lying down on a Kryptonian bed. Lois was in a Kryptonian Bed right next to him. Superman's arms were strapped in, so were his feet. The last time he was in a Kryptonian bed was he was held hostage with Lois on one of Zod's ships. Batman had his Kryptonian armor on with Wonder Woman at his side.

"Hello Superman." Batman greeted as Superman awoke.

"H-How d-did you n-know I was at th-the pen-pentagon?" Superman asked.

"Tracking device which I placed on you when we encountered each other for the first time." Batman said.

"H-how d-did you g-get in?" Superman said.

"I have methods, methods you don't have." Batman said, "I know these method because I've been saving lives for eighteen years. You, you've been saving lives for two months. However, while you saved lives, you took some too." Batman said.

"NO! Zod did!" Superman yelled.

"No, you killed them too; your recklessness with Zod killed them." Batman said, "Just because you have super powers, doesn't mean you can come to my city and take over."

"What the hell do you want from me?" Superman questioned.

Superman used his X day vision to look through Batman's mask for a second time. This mask wasn't lined with lead. The Batman's was who everyone suspected him to be, Bruce Wayne.

"I want you to stay out of my way." Batman said, "So I could save lives."

"You d-don't s-save p-people Ba-Batman you t-t-terrorize them," Superman shivered.

"I may scare them, but at least I keep them safe. You on the other hand you save and kill at the same time." Batman said.

"W-what d-do you pl-plan on d-doing with m-me and L-Lois?" Superman asked.

"I'll let you go, you just better stay out of my way and don't go running to the government, or I'll take you and I might not let you go, Clark." Batman said.

"H-how d-did you n-know?" Clark asked.

"Again, I have my methods," Batman said.

Batman punched Superman in the face again to knock him out for a second time. When Superman woke up, he found himself, along with Lois, in his apartment.

BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now