Chapter 27

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"What was that?" Iona asked startled.
"I don't know." Mia replied, unsure.

The two girls then heard Viking battle cries and several feet pound away at the deck. At one point, a small drop of red liquid fell through a gap in the deck into their cell.


Martha was flying on a Changewing, next to Snotlout. Eret was flying in the middle of Obsidian and Glimmer, the two girl's dragons.

"I hope they're alright." Martha whispered into the wind.
"So do I." Snotlout replied, keeping his eyes of the waves, looking for a boat.

Soon enough, they saw four boats on the horizon, they seemed to be warring.

The group of dragon riders sped towards the boats. As the got closer, they could see that two of the boats had dragon hunter flags and the other two had dark flags with a dragon's head with a sword going through its eye.

"Jay'ero and Ryker are both fighting, for the possession of my daughter." Martha said, flabbergasted. She pulled on the hood that was covering her head.


Hiccup was flying with Astrid, Tuffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs, trying to find Snotlout, Eret, Iona and the missing tracker dragon.

They saw a boat battle raging on and in the distance, five dragons coming their way.

The groups met up, hovering in the air. "Snotlout! Where's Iona?" Hiccup called over to the monstrous nightmare rider.
"On one of those boats!" Snotlout called back, pointing to the two boats with Jay'ero's flags.

"Okay, you guys go to that one and we'll go to this one." Hiccup said, pointing to the boats.

They started flying down, but before they could reach the boat, nets came from the dragon hunters, encasing the unsuspecting dragon riders and pulling them towards the other boats.

"No!" Snotlout cried, as he held out his hand, reaching for the boat that he was going away from.

As they were pulled aboard, Ryker faced them.

"This is my fight!" He growled before he jumped onto one of Jay'ero's boats and started attacking the men.

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