District One Female | Crystal Caverly [wordsmith-]

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Name: Crystal Caverly

Age: 16

Sex: Female

District: 1

Appearance:  Crystal has long, silvery blonde hair falls to the middle of her back in loose curls that are often pulled back into a high ponytail. Her eyes are a hundred different shades of blue, shifting and changing with her mood, although their most common hue is a striking azure color. Her features are delicate, with a small nose and dimpled cheeks. Similarly, her build is petite and lean, though she's a few inches taller than most of her peers. Overall, she's tall and elfin looking, with no distinctive features.

Personality: Despite her home district's reputation for air headed and shallow tributes, Crystal is fairly intelligent. She doesn't have the bookish intelligence of those from three, nor the nature-oriented knowledge of eleven, but rather a small mix of the two. She also has a knack for judging distances and measurements. In spite of her intelligence, Crystal is arrogant and hot-headed, sure of her own skill and talent. She acts first and thinks second, rarely considering her own safety as she thinks of herself as invincible. She cares very little for others, apart from how they benefit her own needs. She trusts no one, and expects the same from others, and has no problem stabbing someone in the back for her own gain. 

Background: Crystal grew up in a luxurious home with plenty of money to waste on whatever she wanted. As a child, she had no want for any type of clothes, food, or anything else. Her parents spoiled her as they were both rich from being well-known clothes designers. However, their gifts were given on one condition- that she train for Games. As a result, she started training when she was six, along with her normal school lessons. She did relatively well in school, and became quite proficient with a dagger. She was trained to be ruthless and think only of herself, so that she didn't end up hesitating when in the arena. Crystal collected many friends as she grew up, but was close to none of them, and has only ever had two boyfriends, both of whom she dumped after three months. Her entire life has led to volunteering, and then winning a Games, both for her district, and to please her parents. 

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Strengths: Crystal is often underestimated, and so can surprise people with her intelligence and fighting ability. She also has a knack for judging measurements. 

Weaknesses: She's easily ruled by her emotions, especially anger and arrogance. She isn't a fast runner, and despite her years of training, she has little physical strength compared to others. 

Token: A black hair clip

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