District Five Male | Leo Tolstoy [katniss-everdeen]

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Name: Leo Tolstoy 

Age: Seventeen 

Sex: Male 

District: Five  

Appearance: Leo's appearance suits that of a boy who is destined to spend his life working in the power factories of District Five. Looking as if he has never seen the light of day before, his pale skin perfectly contrasts with his black mass of untamable hair. His grey eyes give Leo an almost phantom, colourless feel, especially as he tends to watch people from the shadows. 

Personality: Overall, Leo is quiet. He prefers to stand back and watch rather than getting involved in any confrontation. He is observant and will notice even the tiniest of details. However, his competitive streak gives him a desire to win in every single competition he finds himself in. He is prepared to lie, cheat and steal to win even the most pointless of childhood games and will turn violent if anyone ridicules him. Leo is kind to animals and younger children, but he is not nice. 

Background: Leo's family is on one of the lowest rungs of the social ladder. With Leo as an only child, they've always been able to scrape by despite struggling to afford even the most basic of food due to the low wages of the nearby solar power plant. With no other opportunities offered to him through his education, Leo was aware that his only future seemed to be to follow his families footsteps into the very same factory but his competitive nature made him want to do anything other than work. However, his quiet, shy side meant that he was unwilling to speak or work with anyone who could potentially offer him a better position.  

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped  

Strengths: Leo is observant and will notice even the small detail in anything that is put in front of him. He is also used to staying out of sight if needed and overall, his competitive nature will not let him lose. He is prepared to do anything to win. 

Weaknesses: Strength and speed wise, Leo is nothing special. He will always rush into a fight rather than considering any other option, even if he knows he is likely to lose. It is likely that his own love for competition will be his downfall.

Token: Leo is not sentimental - a token would mean nothing to him.

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