Panem et Circenses | Voting

82 10 1

"Okay, I know that we could get some of the foliage to become poisonous, so that it's all exciting, but just look at next task's numbers: fifteen left, five up on the Capitol Board, three we are ready to cut the trackers to, leaving us with twelve! Is that not the most perfect set of number you've ever come across? Fifteen's factors are three and five, twelve's factors are three and four, and four is a square! I can't imagine something that shouts 'I need to stay perfect and shiny for good luck' like that! I am putting my foot down. One tribute has already died, we can let the rest off for a night," Florence whined.

"I suppose. You are Head Gamemaker, after all. And next task does promise to bring things up a bit. But don't you expect the rest of us to be so lenient on losing Capitol voting and sponsor nights. We're going to lose several thousands, but I suppose it isn't our fault an unexpected decided to die. The rest should be thanking us, honestly."


Because Hermia Palentinius has graciously died, there will be no voting round, mostly because I don't want to ruin the perfect coordination of numbers I have set next task. You're welcome.

Next task will be published sometime tonight, after I finish homework.

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