Alacer's POV

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Okay readers bare with me, this is not something I'm use to doing so yeah :o wish me luck


"Someone has to go after her." Lucius says angrily and I roll my eyes, form what I understand its his fault she walked out.

"No dip." I sneer at him and everyone's looking at me, Soteriosnused to joke that I'm more dark then light. "If you learned to play nice with oths when you were growing up she might not have told you she wanted to kill you."

"He has a point" Thorin my best mate beside maybe Felix.

"I don't think she liked me, I mean it was just something in her eyes." Felix finally speaks up.

"What we need is Than." Soterios says and now everyone is looking at him.

"We don't need that killed" Thorin growls angrily

"We'll you can't help, Lucius can't help neither can Felix. That leaves me and Alacer." He looks at me and I sigh I'm getting sent out and I know it.

"Send Alecer he's just as rude as she is" Lucius orders and I laugh.

"Why not Soterios?" I question.

"Because my friend I am intensively tired of her hitting me in the face, and completely sick of the pain in her eyes." He wins, sighing I go to the door and right before I step out Thorin calls after me.

"For some reason she has an ability to know the meaning of names, it's actually annoying. Have fun." So she's a name bug or something? What do I care. I walk over to her car and study her as she leans against her car.

"I'm Alacer Alcander" smiling she tells me my name means light hearted and streangth and I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Duh, I kno that its my name after all."

"You'd be surprised by how many people don't know the meaning of there names or how many don't deserve them" she informs me. "Take Lucius for example his name means light but he doesn't exactly fit his name." Oh she has absolutely no idea how right she is, that man is an insufferable....she pulls me out of mt thoughts by saying "what the hell do you want Angel boy?"

"You know we aren't all bad, or fully angel."

"Trust me I learned a long time ago that nobody is as they seem." She right on target once more.

"Cheer up buttercup" I tell her trying to smile but it automatically turns into a frown when I see all the bandages. "Both of us heal quick why are you wearing bandages?"

" I put them on after I healed" she says after a bit, looking at the ground. Why would she do that? I mean that makes no sence if he's healed she doesn't need then. "I have a specific blade that if it cuts someone inhuman it scares them, that's also why I'm only wearing two instead of well a lot. My blades fell out when I had a mental brake down." I wince and she still won't look up.

"What's up with you and names?" I can't help the question from coming out my mouth I'm just to curious.

"Than once told me its a gift, I just automatically know what name mean. It's kinda annoying because I always know and most of the time the meanings come out my mouth. The first person I ever old was Adriana my dark mother. Her name means dark she flipped on me because that was the first words I said, I mean literally I told her 'your name means dark' that was the better tines." She smiles at the floor and I moan I inwardly.

"I have a gift too, and if you want even a slim chance of finding out you'll look up from the floor." While I do have a gift, I'm not sure if I'd tell a daughter of the moon. In truth I wanted to see her eyes, ah Soterios was current when he said she's filled with pain. I mean my word there's just so much pain, it a wounder she can smile at all.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She tells me and we smirk at eachother.

"Maybe I will, but look you need to go back inside." I can't believe I got sidetracked Soterios would be so mad.

"Nope, you can if you want but I'm done for now."

"Look you judge us for being light beings but you have some light in you too, it shows in your eyes and the way you talk about your mentor." She doesn't quite love him, but her feeling are strong even stronger then when she talked about that Adriana woman who I guess really hurt her recently.

"They sent you, so why not go in since your obviously not going to success?" She asks snapping me out my thoughts once more.

"Because if possible I'm every more stubborn then you are Nokomis."

"As if softy." Softy? Really, she's so... So.... I don't have anything and that's a first.

"I can't let Soterios down so I have to stay out here."

"I'm tired of the way everyone looks at me." I smile and she goes back to studying the goun.

"First off it might help if you constantly weren't stairing at the floor, secondly it's life of have to deal. Constantly storming off wont help, how about you go in there and prove what ever Insain thought they believe about you to be wrong?" She looks at me and smiles. I can tell she adores challenges.

"Lead the way pretty boy" she laughs and I turn away feeling my face slightly heat up from her comment...

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