Chapter Three (3)

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Playing With Fire

Chapter Three

----Sokka's POV---

"Sokka! Wake up! We're under attack!!"

I woke up on my bed by someone's loud voice and a shake on my shoulders. I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the bright light that had suddenly hit me. Katara, my sister, was standing above my head. Her hair was a big mess and the panicked look on her face showed emergency.

"Who is attacking us?" I stupidly asked, jumping off the bed and searching around for my boots. Katara gave me a weird look, with her left eyebrow raised, like I should know who is attacking us.

"The Firebenders?" she said in a "duh" voice

We heard a loud thud and the ground shaked under our feet, making us almost lose our balance and collapse on the floor. As soon as the shaking stopped my sister and I ran outside.

Aang, Toph, Suki and Zuko were fighting with all their strength and dad along with Haru and the others were trying to move the rocks from a small passage in the cave, one that we could use to flee.

"We need to leave now!" Dad said as the passage opened and  Haru and the guys ran inside fast.

Aang looked at the cave that was opened and with a serious look on his face, he gestured for us to go inside. "Hurry up! Get in the cave!" he yelled.

"Aang, Appa is afraid of caves!" Katara yelled back. I looked at the bison who refused to get inside the dark place and the place was ready to collapse.

"We have to fly" Aang finally said and the ground shaked again, causing my sister, Suki and I to fell on the floor.

"But dad, Haru and the others are already in!" I pointed out as I got up and helped the girls get up from the ground, by offering a hand.

"They'll go through the cave and we will fly. There's no other way" Aang explained

"No! I won't let our family get seperated again!" my sister yelled and hugged our dad.

"Don't worry Katara. Our family will never get seperated again" he said. Dad looked at me, leaving me responisble from now on and then ran in the cave

"Fast Aang! I can't hold it any longer!!" Toph yelled at the avatar. I now noticed that she was holding the whole temple by earthbending and was struggling to not let it collapse on us. We jumped on Appa as fast as we could. I helped Toph get on his back and we left. I saw the temple collapse, only a few minutes before we flew away. It was a minute later when I noticed that Zuko wasn't on Appa with us and nor had he followed the others through the cave.

"Where is Zuko?" I worryingly asked. Aang, Katara and Suki realised that he wasn't here and started looking around frantically.

"There!" Aang said gesturing with his finger one of the planes the firebenders had used to attack us. I quickly followed the direction of his finger and spotted Zuko standing on one of the planes, fighting Azula.

"We need to help him!" I said to the others. Katara looked at me confused and Aang nodded his head in ageement.

"Zuko is in our team now. He is our friend. Sokka is right. We have to help him" he said and made Appa fly closer to the plane.

It was like the time stopped when I saw Zuko's body slipping off the plane and drops to vaccuum. I tired to scream, but no sound came out. It was like in a nightmare where you want to scream, to wake up but you're a prisoner in your own imagination. Pictures of him flew on my mind as I wanted to convince myself that this wasn't true, that I was dreaming. But I could not. Because this was not a dream. It was the reality.

Aang flew as fast as he could under the plane, in order to catch Zuko's body. I was paralysed, my heart had almost stopped beating. I felt something heavy hitting me and when we escaped the fog I realised that Appa had catched Zuko, the very last minute.

I felt so relieved. So relieved that he was alive. I thought that he had died and I had lost him forever. I fighted the urge to hug him and held him tightly so that he will never fell again. If it was for him to fall, he would take me with him.

Azula survived the last minute too, even though we thought that it was impossible for her to be alive. We flew away, glad we were all alive.


"We will camp here" Aang anounced to us, parking Appa under a big tree. Katara started building her tent and so did Aang running after her. Suki offered to help Toph with the building of her tent and the earthbender agreed. When Aang finished the building of his tent he went to feed Appa and Momo some fruits. Katara went to help Suki and Toph. Zuko was the first one to finish building his tent. He hadn't talked much -he never talks much anyways- but today he was more silent. Maybe because of Azula. Fighting against your family? Must be rough, even if you believe that your father is dusgusting and your sister would be better off this world.

"Need any help with your tent Sokka?" I quickly turned to face Zuko. He was as handsome as always, with his red robe(lol, I don't know how their clothes are called, so I call it "robe" y'know, those red-gold shirts Zuko wear and those blue-white Sokka wears. If you know, tell me :) his messy black  hair and that breathtaking smile.

I couldn't build it on my own, I never managed how to do it, but I wasn't going to admit it and make complete fool of myself. I have some pride.

"Err..n-not really..." I replied and tried to focus on building it, ignoring his eyes locked on me (at least trying to ignore them). I tried to make it stand still, but it just couldn't stand.

"Fuck this thing, I can't make it" I sighed annoyed

"Let me show you" Zuko giggled. He stand behind meand held my hands, trying to show me how to hold the two sticks together. I felt my whole body on fire, my heart going to explode in thousand little pieces. He was so close to me, I couldn't focus on anything else. The only thing I could think of was his hands touching me and his hot breath caressing my neck, making me shiver.

"Hold it like this and then tie it with some rope" Zuko's voice brushed my ear, making my hands and knees tremble. Please don't let him notice how fast my heart is beating ....

"Why are you so nervous Sokka?" Zuko said quietly in my ear, wanting only me to hear this "Is it because I'm so close to you? "

I gulped and he moved his body closer to mine. His chest touched my back and his legs were almost wrapped around mine. His fingers intertwined mine and held me tightly.

What is he doing? What is he thinking? What if anyone sees? And most importantly...why do I like it?

"Z-Zuko...d-don't..." I weakly whispered, my voice barely coming out of my throat. Zuko chuckled and let his hands off mine. He placed them on my torso and slowly moved them lower. He moved his head closer to mine and licked my ear, making me almost collapse on the floor.

What is he doing? Why do I feel so aroused? Why is he ... teasing me?

Butterflies errupted in my stomach as his hand almost touched my man area and my heart was literally melting. "Z-Zuko..pls..uh" I let out a moan, not managing to create any words.

"Hey guys!" Aang's voice made Zuko flinched away from me as fast as he could.

"Katara and Suki want us to bring some food for the dinner" he said and I saw Toph appearing some metres behind him.

"I'm going with Snoozles" Toph smiled and grabbed my arm, before I could say anything. Zuko looked at her and forced a smile."And I'm going with Aang"

Playing With Fire ~ a Zukka Fanfiction (Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now