Chapter Four (4)

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Playing With Fire

Chapter Four

---Sokka's POV----

"Anybody wants more tea?" Katara asked the Gaang, who were all sitting around a big campfire in the center of our camp.

Toph and Zuko raised their hands and my sister rushed to fill their cups with hot green tea. Everybody was enjoying one of Katara's delicious meals for dinner, chit chatting about meaningless, boring things.

"I love your cooking Katara" Aang said, filling his mouth with the vegetarian soup my sister had made for him.

"Me too Sugar Queen! You can cook so good!" Toph exclaimed, praising Katara and everybody agreed by smiling and nodding their heads. My sister's cheeks flashed pure red. She sat down next to the avatar boy, who started rambling about something that they both liked and obviously found extremely interesting. I filled my mouth with the last piece of my meat, deep in my thoughts.

I noticed Suki from the corner of my eye, coming towards me and eventually sitting next to me, with a big smile on her face. I forced a smile and slightly moved away from her.

I really don't know what's wrong with me. Some weeks ago, the only thing I could wish for was to hold her in my arms and tell her that she means the world to me. Even if it was a lie. A lie that she believed with no second thoughts, and a lie that I had deceived my own self to believe. A lie that grew into me, bigger each day and I one day found myself stuck between it and my real feelings.

But then, I got to know Zuko. And Zuko made me forget about my miserable life and allowed me to be myself. My real self, not the clown who had a hot girlfriend. And I also got to know him, to the point that he let me, (Zuko is more of an introvert person). And I liked that self.

It used to feel warm when Suki touched me, but now... it's just cold and emotionless. Maybe because I had waken up from the perfect dream I had created for myself.

Zuko's touch felt so hot though. My entire body was on fire from the moment he touched me that morning. What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be feeling like this. Not for him. Not for a boy. Why did he even do that? Why did he tease me?

Ugh, I think I'm actually going crazy.

" everything alright..?" Suki's voice brought me back to reality, snapping me out of my htoughts. I forced one of my best carefree smiles

"Yeah.." I muttered. My eyes looked around the campfire and stared straight at the firebender. Zuko looked at me, his golden eyes stared into my blue ones, for a minute that felt as if it was a century. A faint smile appeared on his face. I felt my cheeks burning, like the prince could have firebended them from far away. What a dejà vù.  (I believe that's the word, lol, and I think this is how it's written, forgive me if I'm wrong :)

I quickly looked away. Suki wrapped my arms around her shoulders, forcing me to hug her and snuggled next to me, letting her head rest on my shoulder. She lifted her hand and caressed my cheek.

"What are you planning on tonight Sokka?" she whispered in my ear. I shaked nervously. I didn't want her next to me, I didn't want her hugging me and touching me and whispering in my ears.I didn't want to do anything with her tonight, I wanted ...

"U-Um... sleeping?" I awkwardly said

Suki giggled and playfully hit the tip of my nose with one of her fingers. At least, that was her intention. Playfully. But to me, it felt annoying, to say the least.

"You're so funny Sokka!"

I faked a smile and once again, unable to stop myself, I looked around, searching for the firebender. Zuko was chatting and laughing with Toph. They were sitting close to each other, almost as close as Katara and Aang.

Why are they having so much fun together?

Does Toph like Zuko?

Does .... Zuko like Toph?

But if that's the case...why did he do that thing in the morning? W-Was he just p-playing around? N-Not that I care or anything like that ... but... did he just want me to fall for his majesty or something like that?

Why did it even made me feel furious? I shouldn't be feeling furious or jealous! NO. I totally am not jealous. I mean, how immature would that be? And I certainly DON'T like boys. I don't like boys, I don't like boys, I don't like boys! I am not jealous, I am NOT angry and I don't give a flying fuck if he likes boys or girls. I wouldn't care even if he liked DOGS!

"I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep" I said loudly -maybe a little louder and harsher  than the nessesary- and got up, making Suki fall on the ground with a loud thud. The others looked at me confused. I ignored the strange looks they all gave me. I angrily walked to my tent and when I entered it, I let myself plop on the matress of my sleeping bag.

It wasn't more than ten minutes when I saw Toph's face coming out from my tent.

"Sokka? Is everything okay?" she hesitately stand in the opening of my tent, not sure if it would be okay for her to come in or leave."Suki is mad at you." she continued, looking at her feet with her blind eyes.

I sighed and she came towards my sleeping bag. Toph sat down next to me "She said that you've been acting cold towards her since you came back from the Boiling Rock" she informed me about what Suki had said when I left.

"It's her imagination. I'm the same Sokka as always" I muttered, staring down at my feet.

"Sokka.." she started "I may be blind, but I am not stupid. I can feel the tense between you two. What is troubling you?"

I paused for a minute,not knowing how to react. Toph was clever and persistent. She wasn't going to let it go that easily.

"I am your bestie Sokka. You know you can tell me anything" she smiled and I felt guilty, but I couldn't just tell her what was troubling me. She couldn't understand, let alone the fact that it was extremely embarassing.

"I am nervous because Sozin's Comet is coming and I'm not sure if we can win the war" I lied.

"Is that so?" Toph fell back on the matress of my sleeping bag and crossed her arms under her head "I'm actually worried about Aang too. We're a team after all. And to be honest, I think that Twinkle Toes should practice more. Just saying. He needs to firebend but he is always after your sister. And as for Zuko..he seems a bit out of his mind lately"

In the hearing of Zuko's name, I turned to face her.

" you.." I started



"What is it Snoozles?" she lifted her body and just sat next to me, looking serious.

"It's stupid, nevermind"

"Come on Sokka! Do you want me to punch you!?" Toph joked, but I know that she would actually punch me if I didn't tell her.

"Do you...and Zuko...?"

"What?" she asked in confusion and then paused for a minute."What!? Me and Zuko? What are you talking about Sokka! No way! Why would you think of that?"

"Um, just because you looked like having fun together.." I was glad she couldn't see my cheeks flashing red from embarassment.

"We're friends Sokka. Nothing more"

I felt relieved and smiled widely. I ruffled her black hair

"Fine, now go to sleep Toph Bei Fong" I said

Toph punched my shoulder. "Idiot" she said and exited my tent.

Playing With Fire ~ a Zukka Fanfiction (Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now