Chapter Eight (8)

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Playing With Fire

Chapter Eight

---Sokka's POV---

"Hey! Meat lover! Wake up already!"

"Hmm?" I mumbled still on my bed and turned side annoyed of the person who was talking. Suddenly, I felt something heavy on my back; like someone sitting on me.

"What the he-" I growled in pain and opened my eyes, then tried to move the weight off my body.

"Are you planning on sleeping forever Snoozles? Maybe I should start calling you Sleeping Beauty then.." I recognised Toph's voice and rubbed my eyes slightly annoyed.

"T-Toph! Move! I can't b-breathe!" I whined trying to gently push her off me. Toph was a short girl but hell...she sure was heavy...

The earthbender laughed and got up. I sat up and rubbed my back.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing serious, Sugar Queen told me to wake you up cause we have work to do" she shrugged her shoulders and then crossed her arms on her chest, tapping her right foot on the floor impatiently.

"Man...I hate mornings..." I said getting up. I realised I wasn't wearing my shirt.

Oh yeah...last night....damn....

My cheeks turned a little red as I remembered and put my shirt on.

"Oh...and Fire Lord wants to tell us something..." Toph said indifferentely.

Z-Zuko? What would Zuko want to say? Why do I feel so nervous about it? Zuko probably isn't holding a grudge for last night...right?

 "What does Zuko want to announce?" I asked as I wore my hair in my usual ponytail and stretched one more time.

Toph got out of the tent and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "No idea Snoozles." she said with a light shrug of her shoulders.

I put my boots on and followed her outside. Man, I'm not a morning person. I yawned and walked after her to the centre of the camp.

Suki,Katara and Aang were sitting down on some large logs around the fire, which wasn't burning due to the fact that it was morning. I mean duuh. Appa was eating some fruit and Momo was sitting on  Aang's shoulders. I noticed that Aang was sitting slightly closer to Katara and I couldn't help but smile. Damn, he really had a crush on her, huh?

Toph earthbended a small throne and sat on it with a grin on her face. I quickly looked around, scanning for the Prince, but he was nowhere to be found. I sighed and lowered my gaze to my feet.

"You're finally up, Sokka." Katara said smiling softly and scooted closer to Aang so I can sit next to her. I sighed in relief and quickly sat down, not wanting to sit next to Suki.

Soon enough, Zuko appeared in front of us, holding a large basket with fruit inside. It looked like he had woken up early today and had gone to find food. He put it down on the ground  and flipped his dark hair before looking at us with a warm smile.

"Good morning everyone, I had an idea to announce you." he said loudly. I could barely look at him after what had happened last night. I really had to apologize, it was just so...embarassing.

"We're all ears." my sister smiled at him. I looked her with an eyebrow raised, days before Katara hated Zuko and know she's being all kind.

"I think we should go to my summer house." he said excitedely.

We all exchanged confused looks before turning to look at him.

"Huh?" Toph was the first to ask.

Playing With Fire ~ a Zukka Fanfiction (Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now