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I sighed and looked over at Dylan.

"I'm sorry." I said while placing my hands over my face.

"kitten, it's okay." He said while moving my hands and staring at me for awhile.

"What do you want to do today? Your mom & brother headed out about 30 minutes ago." He said while sliding out of my bed.

I forgot he was even in my bed.

I climbed out after him and stretched.

"I don't know." I said while shrugging.

"You're so lame." He stared at me blankly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Next time I'll make sure to plan out the whole day for you." I said while rolling my eyes.

"You're bipolar." He said while walking out of my room.

"And you're a dick!" I yelled and walked over to my door slamming it.

I am not bipolar ..

I shook the thought from my head and picked up my phone.

text from cass  - let's go to the beach today.

text to cass - i am so down, anything to get away from the asshole living with me.

text from cass - lmao, I'll pick you up in 30.

text to cass - okay, see ya.

I dropped my phone onto my dresser and walked over to my closet.

I pulled out my black leather triangl bathing suit.

It was a bandeau top with a zipper in the front and the bottoms were regular bikini bottoms, but leather.

I walked into my closet and quickly changed walking back out to see Dylan sitting on my bed.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him and to my bed, getting on my knees and looking under my bed for my black sandals.

I found them and slid them onto my feet.

I walked back over to my closet pulling out a black crop top and jean shorts.

I pulled them over my clothes and walked over to my phone.

text from cass - im outside.

text to cass - coming.

I looked over at Dylan, who was just staring at me without saying a word.

I grabbed my phone and walked out my room door.

I walked down the stairs and out the front door.

I saw Cassie and smiled while walking up to her and giving her a tight squeeze.

She smiled and I giggled walking onto the other side of her car, opening the door and climbing in.

She did the same and started her car and we began driving towards the beach.

"How was it?" Cass asked.

"How was what?" I asked her.

"You know what I'm talking about, how was your night with him?" She smiled.

"Um.. Well.. He kinda slept in my bed and we kinda cuddled." I said while looking at her and giggling.

"What?!" She yelled while smiling.

"But, only because of the nightmare I had
." I said while looking away from her.

"Awh babe, I just want you to know that I love you." She said while smiling.

"I love you too cass." I said while smiling as well.

Cass pulled into the parking lot of the beach and we climbed out.

"I want you to meet this guy named noa." She said while walking around the car and over to me.

I rolled my eyes while looking at her. "Do I have to?"

"Well, not if you don't want to." I deep voice said from behind me.

I jumped and turned around looking up at him.

He was tall, his face was sculpted by the heavens, along with is body, he had tattoos all over his body, long dark brown hair that was put up in a bun and a cute gold nose ring.

"Oh, um Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hey!" He flashed a cute little smile.

"Cassie didn't tell me that how beautiful you were." He said while looking at me.

"She didn't tell me anything about you, like at all. If she did I would've been prepared for this and not looking like a beach bum." I joked.

"Beach bum looks great on you." He slid his hand into mine and pulled me towards the beach "let's go."

Cassie smiled and mouthed something I couldn't understand to me and walked in the opposite direction.

I walked with his hand in mine, he already had his shirt & shoes off.

I stopped and he looked backwards waiting for me as I pulled my flip flops off and he slid his hand back into mine and we continued to walk.

"Your hair is so cool, I could pull off purple couldn't I?" He said jokingly.

"No, not at all.. It only works for me." I said while giggling.

He gave my hand a little squeeze as we walked over to a group of people I didn't know.

"You guys! This is kataeh!" He said.

"Hey!" I said while waving and smiling.

"Hey!" A couple of people in the group said back to me.

Noa pulled me away from the group and we walked over to where he laid his towel out.

He sat down and I turned around to stare at the beach.

"Its so pretty." I said while squinting from the brightness.

"Like you." He said while laughing.

"I'm a bean." I said while pulling the crop top off and bottoms off.

"A bean?" He asked while chuckling.

I turned around to see him staring at my body "Yeah, I look like a bean." I said while laughing.

He turned his head quickly and then turned back to me laughing "There is no way to hide that I was just staring at you."

He stood up and grabbed me holding me in his arms bridal style and carrying me towards the water.

He started to walk through it until it reached his belly button, then he stopped.

"Is it cold?" I asked him.

"Its always cold." He said while smiling.

"You ready?" He asked while holding me.

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