A Charitable Night

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Dionysius leans back in his shower, calculating in his head all the things in his life that needed calculating, which mostly involved the company since that was all he had

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Dionysius leans back in his shower, calculating in his head all the things in his life that needed calculating, which mostly involved the company since that was all he had. Feeling somewhat exhausted and fired up at the same time, he couldn't decide if he really wanted to go for the Charity dinner or simply stay at home. He didn't have the reputation for reliability, the media would cause a storm if he didn't go but he would survive it as he always did, without a word to anyone. He answered to himself and that was all he ever did, it made no sense to answer to anyone else.

But on the other hand, Miss Universe was counting on him to show up and it would give him opportunity to talk about the green research he was carrying out with the company before the press which would please his investors of course. He grunts and steps out of the soothing bath, ringing Herman 'plaid...pink and grey plaid.' He says giving into a bit of eccentricity; after all, he answered to himself and did as he pleased, and he trusted Herman to go about it in a gentlemanly fashion. And so there he was, out at night again because she wouldn't let him be.



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'He's not coming.' Sophie sighs with a pout directed at Bjorn

 'he's a dangerous man zlatina, maybe it's for the best.' 

Bjorn offers touching up her eye make-up for her, bringing out the sapphire of her eyes to match the chic dinner dress she had mused over for two weeks. She hadn't heard a word from the man who had taken her number and smiled at her so warmly at a dinner for the Prince and his friends. He had been the most magnetic creature in the building the entire night and she couldn't have pried her eyes off him with mining machinery as he chatted casually with the Prince and just about everyone around apart from her, making her grow desperate for him to notice her, as desperate as she was now, unused to the idea of a man not swooning over her.

She was, in fact, the world's most beautiful woman if beauty pageants were to be believed, and yet he seemed so nonchalant and disinterested and sexually versatile it made her want to strip and demand that he have her right there on the dining table, only the thought of his rejection holding her back from doing so. And now here she was again, tense and giddy with the realization that even after she slipped him her number and even after asking him to accompany her to the Charity Angel ball he was not going to grace her with any formidable reply!

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