Winner Takes All

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Sasha wasn't close enough to read what the two documents were, but she knew from chatter yesterday that one was a custody agreement, which could only mean that Dionysius Plutarch had a child! The boy she had been looking up was his! Why else would Mikulas be here if this wasn't BIG big and how did Mikulas know this woman who'd birthed the Plutarch heir?

She watches the stunning woman read the first page of the first document and then turn a dazed gaze at Dionysius Plutarch, who was the calmest of the four people in the group. He couldn't take his eyes off her, Sasha notes, yet he had settled into the fact with such grace it seemed odd that everyone else could. He was also dressed down, in just slacks and a sweater, and he was so calm it was terrifying everyone in the room.

He lifts an eyebrow at the beautiful woman, as if in response to a question only he had heard. It was a quiet dare, and from Makenna's breathing she had heard it clearly.

What was going on here?

Sasha watches with bated breath as Makenna tears her gaze away to read the second document's first page, her face contorting into a magnificent confusion. She blinks and reads it twice, thrice, one more time, this time turning her gaze to Mikulas for assistance.

"Ah ah ah... I gave you all the instructions you need... Choose your fighter Kennie" Dionysius Plutarch darkly cuts in, hating this intimacy between his lawyer and his ex-fiancée

Was there something Mikulas wanted to tell him? Something he wanted to get off his chest? He glares at the man

"Mikulas is only here to ensure things are done as they're supposed to be. Aren't you Mik?" Dionyz states, his voice a terse warning to his lawyer, the nickname his ex fiancée had mumbled an accusation aimed at Mikulas Pappaianou,

Mikulas wordlessly moves a step back from Makenna. He didn't come here to fight his highest paying client or get tangled in any of this. He had retired from the business of multiplying his own problems.

Dionysius gives the slightest approval of Mikulas' decision, turning his gaze back to his ex fiancée, an intensely sardonic smile on his face.

She was in his territory now and there was no one here to rescue her. No one could walk in to save her.

"Pluto..." Makenna sighs tightly, the name rustling something deep inside

"Glikia mou..." He mockingly replies, the faux affection of his tone matching the look on his face

"We should talk about this..." She says, her voice wavering and unsure, her face fixed, her eyes shining with fresh hurt at his mocking

He studies every magnificent feature of that face, drawing their son's face on it, drawing their past, his dreams and fantasies and nightmares on it. He sips his coffee and then leans in towards her, watching her body bristle in contained emotion at his proximity.

"We haven't talked about anything in over five years Kennie, why should we start now?" He whispers tersely to her, hating that his memory was aching for the touch of her body, the feel of it against his own

Yesterday he had wrangled her out of her business. Today it seemed he would rip Payton away from them. He will take from her, Makenna was sure, though she could barely recognize the man with the vicious hunger in his blue eyes. He will take

Payton or a prenup... A lovely little 

"This is ridiculous." She pleads with him softly

She couldn't ask him how he'd found out about Payton, about where she was, how long he had plotted the sharp walls he was pushing her against. Mikulas was standing right there, almost as clueless as her, as if neither documents involved him. Makenna couldn't even think what to ask... 

Dio tries to hold back the dark chuckle that escapes him anyway. Was it ridiculous to ask your ex fiancée to either marry you or relent custody of your son completely to you? Maybe. Dionysius Plutarch had learned a few tricks of the trade, and he was ruthlessly dedicated to using them to win these "negotiations"

He taps a long finger languidly against his recommendation, quietly letting her know that if he was in her shoes that would be his choice.

"I..." She scrambles for words, taking in a deep breath and darting her gaze around the room.

She turns to him, as if to plead for some privacy, for an opportunity for just the two of them to speak. 


her beautiful gaze says. Dionysius doesn't budge in any way, staring her blankly in the eye. He needed Mikulas here, just as he needed Sasha here too, they were buffers, an audience to perform nonchalance to, the reason his hand wasn't tracing its way up her long long legs, his lips pressed against her ear whispering things he had no business saying to her. She pouts and leans towards him before she continues

"I thought this was about the shares...yesterday..." She whispers as if the very sound of her voice wasn't triggering things in him

Wicked hungers 

Ah yes, yesterday he'd revealed that he now effectively owned her perfumeries and asked her for the majority shareholder treatment. Was she trying to negotiate for it in the prenuptial? Did it mean that much to her? He languidly reaches for the pen set on the table and hands it to her as calmly yet decisively as possible.

He watches her take the pen in a tense angered way, watches her reach for the document he hadn't suggested, perhaps out of a fiery rebellion that would be nothing but hurt. She flips to the last page, where her signature was needed, his heart dancing in his stomach now as he projects the most calm and in control appearance he could. The pen trembles uncontrollably in her hand, and after three utterly unsuccessful attempts to press it to the paper, she cries softly and then grabs the document he suggested and signs it.

She had tears balancing in her magnificent rich honey eyes, giving them a golden tint and when she looked up at Dionysius, something in his chest shifted. He tells himself its the rush from closing the biggest deal of his life, and with that looks to Mikulas, who immediately moves to secure the signed document.

"That'll be all Mikulas, Sasha." Dionysius dismisses the two, taking another sip of his coffee as they make their way out of the room as quietly as they had stood bye the entire time.

He looks out at the castles and hillocks of Edinburgh, trying to hear for the exit of the two from the suite, trying to gather these movements in his chest, trying to calm his excitement from having won. He brings his gaze back to the frazzled beauty staring at him as if she didn't know who he was. In many ways she didn't... and boy was she about to find out!

"I'm thinking the wedding should be next week...destination, intimate, secure. Invite-only too. It might be the earliest Sao can get to us. I'm sure he misses you." He states casually, taking another sip of his coffee

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