The Baby Mama Concept

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"This was never about buying my boutique from under me, was it?" Makenna Lewasi wonders at the man who was languidly undressing her with his eyes

She wasn't wearing anything significant under the oversized coat and Dionysius knew this. He licks his lips and smiles lazily, turning his gaze from the naked collarbone to the magnificent face of the divine seductress before him. If it hadn't been for Mikulas and Sasha buffering this war, Dionysius wasn't sure he'd have survived it. What maliciously seductive outfit did she have hidden in plain sight?

"Let me show you something." He says getting up from his seat and padding it to the bedroom door.

He waits patiently by the door for her to hesitantly find her way to him. He admires the movement of her long legs in those heels. She had such long legs for someone so short, this had been one of his many weaknesses where she was involved; and he could afford to be a little weak.

He opens the door to the room and ushers her in, walking in after her and shutting the door behind him. He watches her body stiffen as she realizes what he had just done. He leans against the door, waiting for her to take the bedroom in. She immediately spins around to him, accusation in her eyes.

Don't you want to soak in the sheer luxury of this bedroom, glikia mou?

He would've teased her if his mind wasn't already where the devil could easily reach it. He smiles into her accusation and tilts his head, taking her in, recalling all the women he had slept with to get over her. They couldn't compare to how lovely and cruel she was, how magnificent she looked standing there accusing him of things he planned on being guilty of. She crosses her hands under her breasts, perching on one hip, as if readying to demand what he had planned on "showing her."

"A coat hanger." He interrupts before she can ask

Her eyebrows furrow at his mischievous retort. He jerks his head once more in the direction of the coat hanger in question, a pristinely designed piece that mimicked an abstract sculpture, allowing her gaze to find the object.

"Your coat will look great on it." He adds, his tone dark and intense, leaving no room for negotiations here.

Her gaze meets his, as if questioning his sanity, as if readying to defy him. His smile darkens considerably at the idea of a challenge.

"Your coat Kennie... Now!" He growls at her, his face an abstraction a million times colder than the chrome of the coat hanger in question.

He takes in a deep breath as she unbelts and then unbuttons the coat, revealing torturously a body so divine and perfect,she was shaking with contained fury as she glares at him, revealing the two piece underneath.

"All the way off" he huskily instructs

Did she think his curiosity would end once he saw the lace bra and panties?

By the time she's pulled the coat off, revealing the exactitude of the barely there two piece in black, Dionysius Plutarch has gone absolutely mad with desire. She throws the coat angrily at him and he expertly grabs it mid-air.

So she had come here to seduce him! The evil wench had decided that seducing him would win her back her boutique! He tosses the coat towards the hanger, stepping purposefully towards her.

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