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Dionysius Plutarch tries his best to wrestle his eyes away from the thick file that had been very casually placed by his plate. He had barely touched his dinner and he lifts his gaze to nod at the woman he was starting to see as quite reliable. She hadn't fumbled any of the tasks he had offered her yet and he hoped she'd been as thorough as possible with this.

Once he'd gotten to his suite, a bit of boxing at his private gym had helped clear his mind considerably. It had all been a great fog and he had been a fool to expect anything less of Makenna Lewasi just because it had been five years. He had gone in blind and come out perplexed...but not this time! As his mind cleared and the facts presented themselves before him afresh, without the hateful hissing of Zafira Caird and the stiff silence of Makenna Lewasi and the soft excitement of... their son... He had found the energy to regroup. They had a son together, she chose to leave him, chose to keep their son a secret from him for five years, made no attempt whatsoever to contact him from the time she found out she was pregnant to the time she first held that beautiful little boy in her arms and knew for sure that this was something they would always have. 

Now if Dionyz assumed that she hadn't known who the father of her child was (she was after all giving the majority shareholder treatment to the majority shareholder) when she left him, at some point she must have figured it out. When the gynecologist said "you're x weeks pregnant" or when she first saw the grin on that little boy or when there wasn't the slightest hint of he who shan't be named on the boy. At some point she must have known FOR SURE that the baby was his... and yet she had elected to keep that from him, probably to keep that from the boy as well as life had proven today. 

The thought had almost blinded Dionyz in rage. Women were lining up and falling over themselves for the chance that he might father their children and this one... this one elected to deny him his right! Chose, everyday for five years and eighty two days, to erase him from their son's life!


He wanted to know! Was she waiting for him to reach some economic milestone he hadn't yet realized before she came crawling back to him? Had she been passing the child off as someone else's? What could've possibly motivated the conniving long-legged seductress into this criminal silence? 

"I can't, in good conscience, draft custody papers without a DNA test, sir." McNab declares, bringing Dionyz attention back to the discussion on the table 

"Find someone who can." He curtly replies

"Or..." Andrews cuts in, earning a glare from Dio, who just wanted this work dinner to be done with 

"We can do a non-invasive and private test... a hair sample from a brush, run it through discrete forensics team. It'd give us better grounds in court if you want full custody of your son. He's not traumatized by examination and we have what we need for the judge." Andrews explains as if trying to sooth a feral animal

How exactly is he to secure a lock of the little boy's hair? He'd need access to the boy's hair brush or something. He thinks of setting the task on Sasha but pulls back once he realizes this might be an opportunity to make contact with the boy himself. He didn't know his name, yet. His gaze falls on the file curiously, wondering what Makenna had picked; what would he have picked out as a name for their son that he had no idea existed until a few hours ago? If he was going to rip him from his mother's side there had to be some kind of trust between them, some kind of rapport. This would also give him a chance to tango with Makenna, to invade her space and maybe find out why she thought keeping their son from him was ever going to be a good idea and for how long she planned on doing it. 

"The two documents should be with me at breakfast." Dio instructs the group of lawyers he was unfamiliar with.

Mikulas hadn't made his flight in yet but was fated to see the papers before Dionyz did in the morning. The first thing he did once the men had left was flip through the file in search of his son's name... Only to find that there was no information on the boy.

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