An Old Foe

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Richard shifts his jade eyes away from the man who was purposefully striding towards him, 

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Richard shifts his jade eyes away from the man who was purposefully striding towards him, 

'shit' he grunts to Harry, his date

 'you know Dionysius Plutarch?' 

she shrilly gasps, blushing in delight at the thought of meeting the world's sexiest most eligible billionaire and most notable skirt dropper, feeling the skirt of her dress loosen already without him saying a word to her so far. 

'I wish I didn't.' Richard says wondering why he had bothered to come to the charity dinner anyway.

 He had doubted Dionysius would show up, and risked it in coming, but from what he could tell the man had a thing going with Miss Universe just as the news had hinted!

'Glad to see me Dick?' 

Dionysius cheerfully asks the man trying to shrivel into his seat and disappear 

'we are, we are very happy to see you.' 

Harry announces brightly to the man of her sexiest dreams, Dionysius turning to the carrot head who seemed a bit drunk 


he wonders pleased with himself for the stupid question. She was either Dick's mistress or escort and he was beaming with the chance to have an insight on how life after her had gone for Dick and consequently would go for him too.


Harry sighs dreamily, swooning over the man longingly. Richard looks up at the man who had immensely changed from the Greek geek that had stolen Makenna from him, frowning insolently up at him for the stupid question and then at Harry for her spirited reply 

'no. We're not even that serious about each other.' 

He flatly states, Harry squeaking excitedly, feeling him undress her even though his attention was on Richie. Richard winces at the woman who was throwing herself at his old foe 


Dionysius offers summoning Dick to the bar with him, Harry pleased that he was playing games with her this way.

Sophie frowns at the sight of him talking up a carrot head casually, the woman blushing almost to her hair colour. She sighs and turns her attention to Roderick Goldbrick who is telling her about this excellent horse he saw at the races, her thoughts on the excellent Greek horse she wanted to ride but couldn't seem to tame long enough to straddle.

'How have you been?' Dionysius pries summoning the bar tender

 'how would I be?' Richard replies taking down a dry scotch with a swig of the shot glass 

'still mad at me?' Dionysius wonders taking his tequila and lemon as well 

'well for starters I'm not a billionaire, secondly I hold grudges for a very long time and third I'm freshly divorced. What else about my perfect life would you like to know?' 

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