Chapter 7

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The next day Anne was back, and more sassy  than ever. Her black hair was curled down to her waist, and she had gold eye shadow, which i have to say, complimented her skin tone quite  nicely. Her pale complexion seemed to glow in the light, whilst her outfit looked like it has been chosen by a professional stylist. She looked, well, beautiful.

Alex and I hadn't spoken since the library, but I still knew that he meant it. I knew that I would have to find him that day, or to let him find me. I decided to let him find me, which is exactly what he did. During french he slipped me a note,

Bella, meet me at the climbing tree at first break.

When I arrived, there was no one to be seen. I looked around, but still didn't see anyone. All of a sudden I heard that deep, serious, voice again, "Isabella..." "Alex? How do you know my real name?" He emerged from the tree top, and continued climbing down. "Of course I know your real name... I was the one who always got the attendance..." He responded plainly. "Oh, I see..." I said. "Anyways," He continued, "I just wanted to ask you, would you like to go see the new star wars movie with me this weekend?" "Um..." I didn't know what to say, my eyes were wide with shock. This wasn't what I was expecting at all. He moved close to me, took my hands and looked at me with his innocent blue eyes. I stared into his gaze, and said, "Yes." He smiled, and took another step closer. Our noses were almost touching. I paused for a moment before moving any closer. That had to be one of worst mistakes of my life. The bell rang, and he stepped back and said, "I guess we better go..." So, we started off towards the door, together. I wasn't too upset, though, after all, we had math after break.

As soon as we arrived in math, we found to our surprise that the seating plan had changed, but not to my content. We were now in rows facing the teacher, and I was surrounded by annoying boys. Also, Alex was all the way at the front, whist I was stuck in the back corner. At least I had the wall to keep me company.
Math from then on out would be miserable, I had no one to talk to, no Alex to stare at (unless you find the back of his head attractive) and Julie didn't have anyone to cheat off of anymore. Math had been ruined for me.
Well, I still have language... next.

Language, even if it is boring, I still get to sit directly across from Alex, but it's kind of ruined by the fact that Anne is in our group too. Our group consists of Julie (who sits to Alex's right), Alex (who sits across from me), Anne (who sits and flirts to Alex's left), Jacob (who sits to my right), me (who sits across from Alex), and Sean (who sits and flirts to my left). I guess you could call us the 'Interesting' group. Anyways, we might not be able to really look at each other as much as we'd like to, but at least we could slip each other notes under the desk (provided Anne and Sean don't see). It is important that Sean doesn't see either, because he has practically an extra set of eyes for her, which is really not to our advantage. However, we make it work... somehow. For example, yesterday Alex slipped me a note with his phone number and a message that said;
Text me!

As soon as I got home, I pulled out the note, and texted him.
Hey Alex, it's me, Bella.
He responded a minute later;
Hey Bella, are you excited to go see star wars on sat?

Yeah! Where should I meet you?
I responded.
Climbing tree @3. We can walk from there, the movie theatre isn't too far away.

Okay, I'll see you there tomorrow



I was fanatic. Just the thought of Alex already had me reduced to mush, but going alone to a movie with him? Words can't even explain. I couldn't believe I was going to a movie with Alex Sheason. The Alex Sheason! He's so dreamy with his perfectly placed blond hair, innocent blue eyes, and his wonderful, soft smile. The way he looks at me, I can feel the passion in his stare. I couldn't wait.

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