Chapter 12

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This is Bella again. Alex wrote the last chapter because, well, you know why. I asked him to write it for me because I was really not in a functional state. They think my asthma attack was caused by too much running. Yes, that can happen, so my doctor has given me a 2k limit per day. This means three laps of the gym for warm up. It means I can't do all the running in volleyball practice. But most of all, it means no track and field! I've never liked track and field, as I'm not very good at it. All that running and jumping and throwing and running and jumping and running and jumping, it's really not for me. I much prefer team sports, so volleyball and soccer are right up my ally.

Today was my last day in hospital. When I finally got released, my mom took me straight to the best buy to get me a step tracker. This would monitor how much walking and running I've done. It also keeps track of my heart rate, how many kilometers I've walked and ran, and also if I've passed my 2k limit. However, just because I can't run doesn't mean I can't still be active. I can still do things like pushups and situps, as long as I don't run. Also, as part of my doctor's note I'm not allowed to do gym or volleyball practice for another week. At least I get out of gym! No more sprints in fitness, well at least half a many. Besides all of that, as a safety precaution, my inhaler will be kept in the gym office so it's closer if I need it. Anyways, the step tracker we bought was scarlet red, and I wore it on my left wrist. I loved the look and feel of it. The smooth finish of the screen glistened in the light and made water shrivel into beads as they rolled off. Did I mention that it's also completely waterproof? I really my love my new little piece of technology, it's like a new part of me.

We finally got home at 9:00 pm. As soon as I got upstairs I passed out on my bed. The next day was sunday anyways, so I could sleep for as long as I'd like. When I woke up, it was 8:30, saturday. I sat up, and the scent of pancakes and bacon wafted into my bedroom. I groggily stood and started shuffling towards the door. With each heavy step down the stairs the scent got stronger. I can hear the sizzling of the bacon. I can almost taste the maple syrup. My mouth was watering. "Hey Bella, surprise! I thought you might want a hot home-cooked breakfast after all that hospital food." "Thanks mom, what kind?" I asked. "Raspberry, your favourite." She said with a sweet, loving smile. "Thanks mom. How long 'till they're done?" "About ten, just to finish the bacon." She responded, flipping a piece. "Alright, mom." I said starting to drift towards the living room. I like spending my spare time in the living room, the walls are lined with books. Books that Nathan and my parents had read, books that were gifts from friends, and books that reminded me of my childhood were all present. We have more books than reasonable, but they are accompanied by a large CD collection in the back corner, not to mention the vintage records my father seemed to be incapable of parting with. The grand room was a wonderfully quiet place, which in my opinion, reminded me of a miniature library. There were two red arm chairs placed in the corners of the room, and a matching red couch in the middle. I always feel at peace in this room. Sometimes I bring my beanbag down to sit and read the plethora of books I have at my disposal. Occasionally, I will start to write in this room, because it makes me feel secure and inspired. Like I will never be judged in this room, as long as I'm in it. Anyways, I slumped down onto the couch and picked up whatever book was lying on the cushion next to me, and started reading. Turned out to be twilight. I read about two pages before my mom called me back to eat. I ate as many pancakes a my mother would let me, and almost as much bacon.  Good food at last. "Mom, do I have anything today?" I asked. "Of course not, you're not alowed to go to volleyball for another week. Have a lazy day! Do something fun!" "Fine, I'm going to make popcorn and watch a movie." "Have fun!" "Yes mother." I said walking upstairs to the family room. I turned on the TV and selected netflix. I scrolled through the options for almost half an hour before deciding to watch the classic, 'Mama Mia!'. Before starting the movie I went back downstairs to make popcorn. Once I finished, I took the bowl of popcorn back upstairs and perched it on the armrest of the recliner that sits in front of the 60" TV. I pressed play, and grabbed the popcorn, settled into my seat, and was ready for it to start.

I woke up, and looked at the time, 4:30. When did I fall asleep?  The last thing I remember is... The wedding? Yes, definitely the wedding scene. Wait, today's monday, I have school today. I quietly snuck downstairs. My mom was over the stove cooking something. "Mom? what are you doing up this early?" "What do you mean? I'm cooking dinner." Dinner? In the morning? What? Oh, wait. Is it 4:30 pm? Must be. Who knew how sleep could distort one's perception of time so much.  "Oh, okay. What are you making?" "Onions for fried rice." "Yum. What else are we having tonight?" "Sausages, and spinach salad." She said stirring the onions. "Okay. Love you." I said walking away. "Love you too!" She called after me, but I was gone. Gone into my mini library to read the day away. I picked back up Twilight, and finished reading it the same day. It didn't take as long as the first time... Or the second, or third. Anyways, I just realised how much school I had missed, so I grabbed my phone and texted Julie.

Hey Jules, what did I miss at school this week?
I asked her.
Really? I haven't heard from you for a week, and the first thing you say is, 'what did I miss at school?' Not even a little, 'thank you for saving my life'?

Oh, Jules, you've always had your way with words. Thank you.

Good. And you missed the math test, and that's about it.

Ok thanks, bye


I put my phone away, and decided it was time to do something. At this point it was almost 6, so I helped my mom cook until dinner was ready. We ate, and not much happened after dinner. I went to bed, and fell asleep almost instantly. That night I had a dream. I was in the gym, looking at myself having an asthma attack. I knew what something was wrong, but I couldn't figure it out. Julie burst through the doorway, and pressed my inhaler to my face, but it wasn't my face, it was... mine? That was when I realised that I was really Alex, and the person on their knees in front of me was... me? "It's just a dream" My mom's voice rang in my ear. It's just a dream. It's not real. I can do anything I want! "Wake up! It's me." I woke with a start. My mom was leaning over me, with a worried expression on her face. "Are you alright? I just came in to wake you up, and you were breathing really heavily." "I'm okay mom, it was just a dream." Just a dream. I thought. The one time I was about to have a lucid dream, I get woken up. Ugh. My mom opened my blinds, and sunlight streamed into my bedroom, filling it with life. I swung my legs over the side of my bed, and tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes. I checked the time, 7:00, I'm good. I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to make make my lunch, and eat breakfast. Once I finished eating I started on my lunch. Let's see, how about a granola bar, carrots, an orange, yogurt, um... what else... Raspberries, and... uh... Crackers? Yeah, crackers. Done. I zipped up my lunch bag, and stuffed it in my backpack. the time now was 7:50. I have a couple of minutes before I have to leave. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through instagram for a couple of minutes until I had to leave. I pulled on a pair of black toms, and grabbed a sweater for if it got cold. I picked up my bag, and yelled, "Bye mom!" as I closed the door. Julie met me on the corner that we always meet on. "You look cheerful, what gives?" She said. "I don't know, extra sleep?" I responded. She smirked, "Very nice, very nice." We started off towards school, and talked the whole way. We have a weird talent of talking about nothing forever, and it's really useful in situations we want to seem like we're doing something useful. We got to school just as the bell rang, so we fell into step with the hundreds of other students trying to get inside. I finally got to my locker, and Alex was already there, waiting for me.

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