Chapter 14

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When I finally got home, I told my mom about the events of the day. She thinks it was probably dehydration too, after all, there wasn't much else that would have been believable. I also asked her if I could go to a friend's house on sunday, she said yes, as long as I didn't need a drive, because she would be taking Nathan to Toronto for an orthodontist appointment to tighten his braces, again. I told her I'd figure it out. I dashed up the stairs, and burst into my room. I sat in the chair in front of my desk, and texted Alex,

Hey, can't wait for sunday! Do you want to meet at school, and walk from there?

He responded a minute later,

Sure, meet me at the climbing tree @3

Sounds good, thx!

No problem.

I was super excited, this date is going to be awesome! I wonder what'll happen. We'll probably watch a movie, but who knows where the afternoon will take us.


Thursday. Thursdays are yet to be ruined for me. Every week, on thursday, I have cello lessons. My teacher Carmen is really nice, she always gives me some sort of baked good after my lesson. She's a really good baker, she makes cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, blondies, lemon squares; basically just about anything you buy at a bakery, she makes, and it's really good. Who knows what today will bring.

Today when I got to school it was pouring, thunder and lightning. I shook off my umbrella as we entered the school after the rain bell. I arrived at my locker wet, and cold. The wind really took it's toll, but it didn't stop me. Today was going to be better than the last, I was determined. I was not going to let them get to me. I made it to first break with no problem, but it was when an announcement was made that it was going to be an indoor break, that I realised nothing could go well.

The rain pelted like hail on the roof, and thunder crashed outside the window. My class was watching monsters university with half of the lights off so we could see the screen better. one more flash of lightning outside the window, a rumble of thunder, and all of the lights flicked off. The screen went black, and all was dark. Muffled gasps came from the class, and a couple of people saying, "What's happening?" and, "Turn the lights back on!" The emergency light flickered on in the corner of the class. The low glow radiated around the room, it wasn't much, but it was enough to see by. More thunder. "Everyone? Please quiet down." A mature voice and flashlight arrived at the door, accompanied by a tall silhouette, a woman - our principal. "We have just experienced a power outage due to the weather, however, we are in no danger. We hope the power will return in due time, but meanwhile, teachers will be circulating with flashlights, and we ask that all students remain in their classroom until the lights come back." "What if we have to use the bathroom?" One girl called out. "If you have to use the washroom, wait for a teacher to come to your room, and ask for the flashlight. You will be required to use the buddy system, so your buddy must accompany you. Any other questions?" Silence. "Alright, thank you. You may talk amongst yourselves." The white light disappeared, and hushed whispers flowed through the class. I look around, trying to identify Alex and Julie in the darkness, but it was hard. "Hey Bella, why don't you go make out with your little boyfriend, it's dark anyways, it's not like anyone could see." Even if I couldn't really see her, I could tell Anne was smirking with that stupid little smile of her's. I needed a comeback, I decided to say, "Not if you beat me to it with Sean!" Gasps from the entire class. "Woah, I don't want to be part of this stupid girl drama." Said Sean from the other end of the class. "You kind of included yourself when you called me those rude names." I said, tears starting to gather in my eyes. "I... I... I was mad then, just please leave me out of this now." He said. "Oh, Helllllll no! You are on my side, you're part of this whether you like it or not." Anne said, outraged. "Aww, you really do love him!" I said, trying to torment the two of them. "Right, coming from you. Don't pretend you don't totally love Alex." Said Courtney, trying to defend her friend. "Mhm, *cough cough* Daniel *cough*" Daniel is the guy I know she likes, and it really isn't working to her advantage. Ha. "Shut uuuuup! He didn't need to knowww!" Courtney said, in a whiney baby-like tone. I guess someone elbowed Daniel in the gut, because he said, "What? Know what?" He was totally clueless, so I decided to fill him in, "That Courtney likes you." I say, in a very matter-of-fact sort of way. I know he's uncomfortable now, but I ignore it, it's not like I can see him clearly anyways. Rain rattles the windows, and a sudden rumble of thunder makes me jump. A flash of lightning, a yelp. Someone was scared, and I think I knew who.

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