Alice Academy - Chapter 9 : I Do NOT Flip Around Like a Retarded Horse!

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My eyes opened drowsily, slowly investigating the room I was in. The ceiling looked the same, but I felt like in a different bed. It was much softer.. I shivered. Gosh, it was cold! I turned and positioned myself comfortably, wrapping the thick blanket around me.

"Ohaiyo, Naoki-kun.." I said, closing my eyes to drift to sleep again. Wait, Naoki-kun?! My eyes flew open to see the boy close to me, eyes closed, black hair in his face. I backed up a little bit and blushed. Was he always this cute when he was sleeping? Woah woah, what was I thinking?! Oh my god, oh my god! Nanami, snap out of it!

Suddenly, I felt arms wrapped around me, and my head was on Naoki-kun's shoulder. "You could've just told me if you were cold, instead of flipping around like a retarded horse. Now stay put." he said, closing his eyes again. I blushed. I did not flip like a retarded horse! Okay, maybe I did flip around, but not like a retarded horse! 

I looked to the side to see specks of white slowly falling to the ground. It was snowing? My first snowfall in Alice Academy! And it was Satuday! That was such good timing, I could go out and play!

"Don't even think about going outside to play." Naoki-kun said, as if he could read my mind. "Wh-what?! Why not?" I whined. "The teachers won't let us, so stay in here where it's warm." He pulled my closer. Agh.. I liked the warmth, but why so close?!

I blushed at the proximity between us. Foo. I couldn't go outside to play, and this pervert was making me sleep in his room an extra hour.

I couldn't help but smile. I sighed and gave in. Oh well, I'll just sleep in a bit more. I got more comfortable and closed my eyes. Then, I drifted off to wonderland.

I assumed this was my dream, because I doubt this would ever happen.

I was in a wide open area, nobody around. Naoki-kun appeared out of nowhere, with Daichi-kun right next to him. Daichi-kun had a worried expression on, while Naoki-kun smirked.  Before I knew it, there was a circle of fire around me, and Daichi-kun had grew vines to wrap around me. I tried to scream for help, but my voice didn't come out. Daichi-kun mouthed the words, 'Sorry.' and left me. I burned to the ground and that's when my dream ended. 

I woke up, tears streaming down my cheeks and my throat hurt from screaming. Naoki-kun looked at me, worried. "What happened?" he asked, pulling me closer, patting my head.  I buried my head in his pajama top and began to cry. 

Once I noticed his pajama shirt, I began to laugh. My tears slowly went away as I laughed harder. "What? You were crying a moment ago, and now your laughing?" he said, narrowing his eyes. I pointed to his shirt. He blushed and looked away. "Sh-shut up.."

We both sat up on the bed. Naoki-kun sat next to me, and laid his hand on mine. "Don't be scared, okay? You can tell me." He kissed my forehead and began taking off his shirt. 

I stared with wide eyes. "Pervert, turn around." he said, snorting. I blushed madly and turned a different direction.

After a few minutes, he was fully dressed, while I sat there dumbly, with my duckie pajamas. "Go get dressed, idiot." 

Luckily, I brought my clothes to his room, so I went into the restroom and changed. 

I came out with thick, dark jeans, an olive green petticoat, with lots of layers on the inside, and my duckie beanie.  

I smiled as Naoki-kun stared at my beanie. "I told you I would wear it someday." I said, sticking my tongue out at Naoki-kun. He smiled back and put a hand on my head. "Glad that you wear it." 

He walked out the door and beckoned me to follow. I bit my lip, since I didn't want Keiko being a drama queen, and going, Oh my gosh, why'd you come out of Naoki-kun's room? So yeah. I made a shoo-ing movement with my hands and let him go first. Once he got out, I sneaked out, hoping nobody would see me.

"Hold it right there." I heard someone say. My shoulders sagged. Nanami is definately not a ninja. I twisted my heel to see Keiko standing there, arms crossed over her chest. I sighed. 

"What now?" I complained. "I just wanted to see the snow, come on!" I heard Naoki-kun snicker, and I turned to give him a death glare. He stuck his tongue at me and I returned my attention to Keiko.

"What were you doing in Naoki-kun's room?" she asked.

"I was playing a game with him last night, and I fell asleep on the floor." I lied.

"Oh really. What game was it?"


She snorted. "We're not allowed to have games in our room."

Shoot. She got me.

"Tell me, what were you really doing in Naoki-kun's room."

I turned around and walked away. Gah, why won't this girl leave me alone? 

I heard footsteps behind me, so I knew she was following me. 

Naoki-kun grabbed my arm and ran outside. We hid on the corner of the dorm as I breathed heavily. "Why didn't you help me?!" I whispered. He smirked as Keiko passed by.

We were in the snow! I jumped in cheer. Once my feet got off the ground, someone hit me with a snowball. I immediately fell over and my jump for joy was ruined. I heard Naoki-kun laughing, and I frowned.

While he was laughing, I bought some time and made some snowballs. I chucked a few at him and he fell over. I smirked in victory. He threw one back at me and I ran into the field. I created a mini fort and began creating a stash of snowballs. Daichi-kun stood next to me, so when I turned to make my fort longer, I bumped into him. "Need some help?" Daichi-kun asked, grinning. I smiled and nodded, and together we made my fort bigger.

I threw some snowballs over and Naoki-kun dodged them. He laughed. "You could do better than that!" I threw another one and it hit him on the leg. "And you said I could do better?" I said, batting my eyelashes. "Oh it's on." He threw one at me, which, I quickly dodged. I threw one back at him, and he got hit.

After an hour or so, I won. I jumped in victory, knowing my jump wouldn't be interupted by his snowball. I jumped perfectly fine. "Let's go inside," Daichi-kun suggested. "Since when did Daichi get here?" Naoki-kun asked dumbfounded. My jaw dropped. He hadn't notice Daichi-kun this entire time? How sad! 

The three of us went inside, to see 3 cups of hot chocolate on the table. "You kids had fun out there? I could hear you guys laughing," the dorm lady said. "Yes, we had fun." I smiled. "Thanks for the hot chocolate!" I sat took one off the table and went into my room. Daichi-kun and Naoki-kun did the same thing, except they came into my room. 

"Why are you guys coming into my room?" I asked, blowing on my hot chocolate and taking a sip.

"Because," Naoki-kun said. "I don't wanna get hot chocolate stains in my room, so I get them in your room." Daichi-kun laughed. I grimaced. How mean! Spilling hot chocolate in my room, but not in his.

"Just kidding. I'm really careful, don't worry." Naoki-kun said, laughing. I resisted the urge to slap him right in the face.

I blew on my hot chocolate and took a long sip. Ahh.. Delicious.

I spent the rest of my evening chatting with Naoki-kun and Daichi-kun, while enjoying my hot chocolate.


THANK YOU GUYS FOR WAITING! IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG, BUT I GOT NO HOMEWORK TODAY SINCE IM SO EPICALLY AWESOME AND JUST WOO! SNOWBALLL FIGHTT. It got cold here lol, and there was duck for dinner. So when I saw it, I'm like, is that duck? My parents nodded and im like, I DONT EAT DUCK. I WORSHIP THEM D;< So anyways. YAYYY! I'm not going to bother keeping up my fan fiction title. I'll just write when I have time. DECHU AWAY~!

-watches minecraft-

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