Alice Academy - Chapter 11 : Quack quack!

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Dedicated to Ruka-Pyon because she has been reading this story since the beginning and loved it :D She's also very patient, so yes. Dedicated!


I stuffed my books and my pencil case into my book bag, packing for school. I threw on a few extra layers so I was warm. I don't want to be stuck in bed all day, with a ridiculously harsh flu. I wrapped my olive green petticoat around me and slung on a scarf. People would think I'm an overdressed maniac, but screw them. I'm trying to keep warm. 

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my book bag. I ran out the door. "I'm going to school now!" I yelled to the dorm lady. She nodded and returned to doing what ever she was doing.

I made my way out the door, quite tired because of yesterday. I yawned and rubbed my eyes with my other hand. It should be 15 minutes before school started, I'll just slowly make my way there.

I stared at the blank, snowy ground as I made my way to school. I looked back to see how deep my footprints went. I stared at the ground again, and I bumped into someone, falling into the cold snow.

"Sorry.." I said, sneezing right after. I picked up my book bag and looked up to see who it was. It was Daichi-kun! "Ohaiyo, Daichi-kun," I greeted, smiling. He gave me a worried look and ran off. I wonder what was that about?

I entered the school, yawning once again. All the girls threw me envious glares as I walked past them. One of them was brave enough to throw a snowball at me. I winced as it hit me right on the my cheek. God, that little bastard had good aim. How'd they even get it in here without that thing melting!?

I ran to my class, ignoring all the glares and insults people were giving me. Why are they all of a sudden like this? 

I plopped down in the seat of my homeroom, with 5 minutes to spare. I touched my cheek. It wasn't that hard of a throw, but it did sting quite a bit. I gently rubbed it for a few seconds and it went away.

Kids began filing in, and soon Hitoshi-sensei came in. He began his lesson, blah blah blah. At the end of the lesson, he released everyone, but me. "Can I see you after class, Nanami-chan?" he had asked in a serious tone. I don't know why, but I somehow felt that it was something bad.

I folded my hands on my desk obediently, as Hitoshi-sensei walked towards me, and sat in the seat next to me.

"Nanami-chan, have you heard of the rumors spreading around here?" he asked, his eyes dreaded with worry. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. "Apparently, the rumors say that you're in a romantic relationship with Naoki-kun," he said. I choked on air. "What?! Who would say that! That's a complete lie!" I shouted, banging my hands on the table.

"Calm down, Nanami-chan," Hitoshi-sensei said. "I know it's not true, but I wanted you to know who started this rumor." I stared at him with wide eyes. He knew who started the rumor? Well, obviously, it's probably Keiko and her little followers. 


Those words were like daggers as they came out of his mouth. Daichi-kun had spread rumors? But.. why would he? I thought back. Oh.. I know why. It's because I rejected him. 

I slouched down in my seat, and blew some stray pieces of hair up. I looked around the room, to find Daichi-kun peeking through the window. When my gaze met his, he looked away and ran off. So that's why he ran off this morning. 

"I can try and see if the teachers can do anything about it.. but for now, you'll just have to bear with it, okay Nanami-chan?" he said, trying to cheer me up it seems. I nodded, and picked up my book bag. I proceeded out the door, and turned to the right. I noticed a swarm of girls around Naoki-kun, asking him a bajillion questions about the rumor, in a flirtatious, girly, jealousy way. 

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