Alice Academy - Chapter 17 : Disasters in Alice Academy?!

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I locked my door just in case last night, since Keiko might be a creeper and jack my stuff.

Luckily, my stuff was still there the next morning.

I did my morning routine, and dressed up. I really wasn't in the mood for uniform, so I went with a sea green shirt, that was like, 1 size too big, and jean capris. A green bobby pin pulled back my hair, having a pretty green sparkle in the sunlight.

I packed my things, and headed out to the dining room. I grabbed an apple and ran out, slowly making my way to school while knawing away my apple.

I made it into class on time. A few seats were still empty, which meant that I wasn't the last one coming in.

Some more people came in, and Hitoshi-sensei gave us a review and gave us some tests. I finished it much faster than everyone, and yeah.

I walked back home, and laid on my bed. Well, today was boring.

I heard screaming outside, and I ran out to see what was happening.

In the dining room, almost everything was ablaze. Kids were running around, flailing their arms frantically. Red, orange, and yellow flames danced in front of me. Wow. And people are just running around? How much more common sense can they lack?

Peanut came waddling out of the fire, unharmed. I stared at him with wide eyes. What the hell? How'd he get in there, and how'd he come out all safe and sound, while people are screaming their lungs out? He waddled back to my room, and that's when I noticed someone.

Naoki-kun came out, his eyes narrowed. "This racket is just seriously going to give me a headache," he said, rubbing his temples. "Tell me about it, old man," I said, rolling my eyes. "Manifest a damn water bucket, I don't have a notepad and paper to draw one," I told him.

In a blink of an eye, he had a water hose in his hand. A water hose? I thought I said water bucket? But now that you think of it, a small water bucket won't douse the flames.. Haha. My mistake. "A water hose, not bucket. Idiot," he said, waving the hose around. In a moment, water was spraying out of it, and the fires were dying down. Most of the kids were drenched with water, and they were breathing heavily.

All the food was soaked, and yeah, you guys get the point. Naoki-kun manifested a gigantic paper towel, and everyone was dry, the dining room was all sparkling. The amazing things one Alice can do.

"Thank you!" the soaked kids mused. Naoki-kun nodded. "Um, so, are we still going to have dinner?" I asked, turning to the dorm lady. She nodded, "Yeah, they're cooking up some more food. Wait about 10 minutes and they'll be out."

Ten minutes. Woopee.

I walked back to my room, and, Naoki-kun followed. He sat cross-leggedly on the floor, while I sat on my bed. "Hey, wanna play 'Never Have I Ever?'" he asked, turning to face me. "Sure..? Explain the rules," I replied, unsure. "Okay, so we have like a drink, and since we're like, only 10, let's just use juice. So I say something I have never done, and if you've done it, you take a sip of your juice. Got it?"

I nodded. He manifested 2 cups of orange juice (wow that's handy. xD) and we began playing.

"You start," I said. "Hm.. Never have I ever fought with my little sister," he said. It sounded like a lie, but whatever. I took a sip. "You've fought with your little sister?" he asked. "Well, no, with my brother, but it's a sibling so whatever," I responded.

"Never have I ever shoplifted."

He took a sip. "You've shoplifted?"

"Yeah. I jacked some chocolate," he snorted. "Let's invite Daichi-kun. It's boring with only 2 people," I suggested. He nodded.

"Yo Daichi! Get in here!" he shouted from my room. In a moment, Daichi-kun came into my room. "Sit. We're playing 'Never Have I Ever'. It can be your turn," I said.

"Never have I ever dyed my hair a different color?" he said, unsure. I took a sip and smiled sheepishly while they stared at me. "Hey, I wanted to have black hair for a few years when I was small. So I did, and my parents got mad," I explained.

We played that game until dinner was served, and I learned a lot about Naoki-kun and Daichi-kun. "Dorm lady, do you know who started the fire?" I asked. "There's 3 people with the fire Alice, Keiko Maii, Michi Tai, and Haruka Moon," she said, shaking her head. Keiko, huh? The other 2 people are like, complete strangers. ( I MADE THOSE NAMES UP. IM SO SORRY D: LATE NIGHT STORY.)

I walked into Keiko's room, noticing that she was snapping, and sparks of fire came out. So she used up all her power, huh?

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Someone trying to ignite their Alice becuase they used it all to cause the fire?" I smirked.

She froze and stopped snapping. "How'd you know?"

"I have my resources."

I ran out of her room, calling out Hitoshi-sensei.

"Hitoshi-senseii! I know who caused the fire!" I shouted, running through the halls. He appeared in front of me, his eyes frantic. "Who started the fire?!" 

I leaned foward and whispered, "Keiko did." 

He stalked her down.

The next day, she was demoted to a no star. I laughed like hell, but something bad also happened that day.

Daichi-kun's experiment gone wrong. 

I was just walking back to the dorm at the end of the day, when I hear screaming from the greenhouse. Obviously, it's Daichi.

I walk inside to see Daichi-kun being tangled by his own beanstalk, waving his arms around and yelping.

"What happened?!" I gasped.

"I-I don't know! I was just watering the plant, and it grew evil on me!"

I heard snickering from behind one plant. I narrowed my eyes and slowly sneaked over to where the peeping plant was. To my surprise, the boy who tried to punch me on the first day was laughing.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Holy," he laughed in between. "Plants, hate, holy water."

Wow. So he switched the regular water to holy water. Wonderful prank, don't you agree?

My books were with me, so I took out a pencil and notepad. I drew the most crappiest sheers, and they came to life. They worked like a charm, though.

"Thank you!" he said, going back to watering his plants. "Don't water them, that's holy water," I reminded him. He nodded and went to get a new water can.

I walked home and thought.

Two disasters in two days. Is God pulling at my strings, or is Keiko taking revenge on me? 


Sorry this is short. I'm writing it at night, so yeah. I just wanted to keep you guys updated.. haha. I don't know if I got Keiko's alice correct, because i might have mentioned that her alice was like an animal alice in one of the other chapters. if i have mentioned that, please comment below which chapter it was in, and i'll fix it. i have the most shortest memory, i dont even remember my own story chapters. so yeah. good night guys~

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