Alice Academy - Chapter 27 : Please Accept My Feelings!

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     ----- Naoki-kun's P.O.V-----

     I had absolutely no idea how I should approach her. Go to her room? Walk straight up to her? Get someone else to do it? It was just all so complicated.

     There was no school today since it was snowing really hard. Snowstorm, I guess. Most of the kids stayed inside, huddling to keep warmth. I was the lone penguin with its egg, sitting in my room with the bag of cookies. 

          No seriously.

     How should I give her the cookies? Gah, why is this so complicated?! I groaned and put a hand on my forehead, pushing up my bangs. Due to me pushing up my bangs, it gave me a retarded cowlick hairstyle. I stared at myself in the mirror, and sighed. Whatever.

      I calmly walked out my door, heading for the dining room. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, my mom would always say. I didn't even go for a plate. I just went with a cup of ramen, and sat down in my seat, completely aware that Nanami was in front of me.

         And what was she doing?

          Eating and avoiding my gaze.

     I raised an eyebrow, and shook my head, eating my ramen. I wonder why she was avoiding me if I hadn't done anything.

     I got up and threw my ramen away after Nanami finished her food. I caught up with her, and ran in front of her. For some reason, she just fell onto the floor laughing. 

          "Woah, Nananmi, what's wrong with you? Did you go high on cookies or something?" I asked.

          "Y-your," she choked up, not being able to control her laughing, "Hair, is just so," she kept laughing and continued. "Ridiculous."

          My face turned red as I stood in front of her, watching her laugh.

      My hair was ridiculous? So what? It was a day off, my hair can be any way I want it to be! I scowled. Without thinking, I karate chopped her head. 

          "Ow! What the hell, man?!" she said, silencing her laugh.

     Nanami got up, and pouted at me. Then, she blew a raspberry in my face, getting her spit all over me.

     I wiped the spit off with the back of my sleeve, and tackled her down, dragging her to my room.

     ----- Nanami-chan's P.O.V ----

           Leave it to Naoki-kun to ruin the fun.

     He totally Maka-chopped me, except without a book, but with his bare hands. It's not my fault his cowlick hairstyle was so insane, it was funny! 

          But noo.

     Instead, he chopped me, make me shut up, tackled me and dragged me to his room. Like how pedo-like is that? I mean, seriously. Tackled and dragged me to his room.

     I struggled, and kicked, and waved my arms around. But, man, this guy was strong. His grip wouldn't loosen, and I just gave up. I let him drag me to his room, because honestly, how bad can it be?

     He ordered me to sit on his bed, and I did so ever so obediently and quietly. I fidgeted a bit. "What do you want?" I murmured, staring at the floor. 

     Naoki-kun held a bag of bite-sized heart-shaped cookies in front of me. I looked up at him to see him looking away, face entirely red. "Take it," he urged. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. 

     He was quiet for a moment and retracted his hand. He squatted down so his eye level was matched with mine. Naoki-kun slowly closed his eyes. "Give me your hand," he said, and I did so. He placed the bag of cookies in my hand, and whispered, "Please.. accept my feelings."

     My eyes widened, and my face turned entirely red. I sat there, speechless. I felt another thing being placed on my hand. I looked at it to see Naoki-kun's Alice stone. (yeah. i totally forgot about the alice stones. if i didn't forget, then crap. xD but yeah.)

     ----- Naoki-kun's P.O.V -----

     I opened one of my eyes to see Nanami's reaction. I could tell my face was red, including hers. I chuckled to myself. She's so adorable.

          "Yo, you okay?" I asked.

     She just sat there, speechless. I flicked her on the forehead, and she blinked, getting back to reality. "Um.." she muttered, staring at the floor with her face all red. I couldn't help but grin.

     Shes. Just. So. Adorable! I would squeal, but, ahem, that's not very manly, is it?

          "Just take it, okay?" I said, pushing her hand back. "Now go back to your room."

     Nanami hugged me, and I smiled. Did she accept it, is that why she hugged me? Then, she looked up and also smiled at me, walking out the door after that. I ran a hand through my hair. 

          She's so cute.


AHHH BRAIN FOG AGAIN. NUU. DONT SUCK UP MY IDEAS ; A ; i lost a few ideas because i brani fogged. fudge fudge fudge. enjoy =3=.

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