Alice Academy : Chapter 33 - Valentine's Day

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          My eyes opened so suddenly.

     I twisted my neck, scanning my surroundings. Two beds, a curtain, a table, a light, and some bins.

     I fell asleep in the hospital, didn't I?

     Moving around, I caused the blanket that had sat on me to slide off. I picked up the blanket, staring at it curiously. Had Naoki-kun put it on me to avoid me getting sick? If he did, then he really is sweet and caring.

"Ahh, you're awake," the nurse whispered, bringing a tray to me. "Here, it's breakfast."

"Thank you," I smiled, taking a look at the food.

     It was nothing fancy, really. I took a bite of it, noticing its round shape. It was a kind of dough with red bean paste inside. (A/N damn i forgot what this food is called.) 

     Staring down at my food, I smirked. People can smell when they sleep, right..? I took the bread and dangled it above Naoki-kun's nose, giggling slightly. The nurse looked at me and sighed, smiling. She walked away.

     Naoki-kun turned, throwing his blanket over his head. "I can smell it and hear you giggle, you know. And it's annoying. Get that away from me," Naoki-kun suddenly said, his voice kind of echoed since he was under the blanket.

"Aww," I whined. "You're a party-pooper."

He turned my way and glared at me. "What did you just call me?"

Looking away, I said, "Nothing.."

     Naoki-kun sighed. "I'm kind of hungry, since a certain someone had to hover food over my freaking face and make me tempted. Geez, Nanami," he laughed. "Hey, nurse! Can I get some food?" 

     Moments later, the nurse came with a gigantic blueberry muffin, a glass of milk and water, and a pill. "Take this pill after you're done, okay?"

     Without further notice, he placed the tray on his lap and began to peel the wrapper off of the muffin. I stared at it with wide eyes. I want a muffin! Screw this red bean bread! 

     He noticed me looking, and smirked. "Want some?" he taunted, waving the piece of breakfast in front of me. "Trade..?" I suggested, holding out my bitten bread.

"Sure, why not?" Naoki-kun shrugged.

"Wait, I thought you wouldn't want it since I bit it.."

"Why wouldn't I? It would be considered an indirect kiss, wouldn't it?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "No, I don't think so."

"Yeah. An indirect kiss involves in which both people's lips made contact with an object." 

"But, I don't spit on my food?"

"Ahh, forget it. Do you want the muffin or not? I'm still willing to trade."

     Nodding, I handed him my food, and slowly ate the muffin. I eat pretty slow, so when he was done, he patted his stomach, sighing with content. He began watfching me as I took each and every bite from the muffin, chewing thoroughly. 

     I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me, chewing away his breakfast.


     A month or so passed, and Naoki-kun was finally free from the hospital. To be exact, today was the day before Valentine's Day.

     Geez. Valentine's Day. In my opinion, not my favorite holiday. Why? Because I've always had problems on this day. Every. Single. Year. It's always been the same.

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