Chapter 3

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Two and a half weeks had passed and Connie had scarcely spoken to Jacob, so she figured that she was going to win their bet. She had to admit though, that she was a little disappointed - she'd wanted him to chase her during this month and he hadn't so much as offered to buy her a coffee. She was just on her way to Resus when she heard him call her name, and so she turned instinctively.

"Can I help you, Staff Nurse Masters?" She asked, sauntering towards him slowly. She was smiling at him, and their eyes locked as they continued to step towards each other.

"I don't know, Mrs B - can you?"

"Well that depends," she smiled. "What do you want from me?"

"A multitude of things, sweet-cheeks," he smirked, clearly enjoying flirting with her.

"How about we start with a formal discipline?" She warned, reminding him of her position in the ED. However, he took it the wrong way, and his hand moved over hers as he leant in to whisper in her ear.

"If that's what you're in to, Mrs B, I'm not going to complain." His breath tickled her neck and sent shivers down her spine, and combined with the way his hand fit perfectly against hers, she felt butterflies taking flight in her stomach. He walked away from her and winked, leaving her stood - dazed - looking at him. She walked to Resus with the biggest smile on her face, and she was asked several times by various staff members if she was feeling okay.

"I'm perfectly fine," she told Zoe after she'd finished with her patient. Jacob had just arrived and was stood on the opposite side of the desk, so Connie made sure to speak loudly enough so that he could hear her. "I'm just waiting to see if someone can keep their promise," she smiled, and locked eyes with Jacob for a fraction of a second. He disappeared soon later, and Connie was disappointed as she was dragged off to see another patient - a man in his late fifties with a gallbladder infection. She opened the cubicle curtain to find her patient had disappeared, and so Connie decided to perch on the edge of the bed as she waited for him to return. He did so a few minutes later, and the curtain staggered open slowly.

"I knew they said the NHS Service had improved," he wheezed, coughing slightly with each syllable. "But if I'd have known the nurses were this hot, I'd have been getting myself ill years ago." Connie rolled her eyes in disgust as she rose from the bed - the man was revolting; crippled, clearly a heavy smoker, and had a beard that looked like it had just been dipped in a chip pan, with the amount of grease in it.

"I'm not a nurse, Sir. I'm Mrs Beauchamp - used to be the head of Cardiothoracic surgery, and now Clinical Lead at this department, so it's my job to inform you that if you do ever consider faking an illness, you can be reported for wasting valuable NHS time." He nodded, and settled back on the bed as Connie checked him over briefly.

"Cardiothoracic, you say? That's heart stuff, right?" Connie nodded. "Bet it suited you, having a heart of stone and everything." She smirked, and had a look at the results from his tests.

"That's more like it," she smiled, and then told the patient of his diagnosis before handing him over to Ethan for treatment. Connie headed straight back to her office, and she was so happy to put her feet up on her desk and relax in her comfy leather chair.

"Are you supposed to have your feet on the desk?" Connie jumped up immediately to see Jacob relaxing on her couch - she hadn't even noticed him when she had come in!

"How did you get in?" She asked, kicking her legs off the table and springing up to sit upright in her chair.

"You left it open," he said casually, and he beckoned her over to him. She stood up and walked over to him, settling herself down on the other side of the couch. He picked up her legs immediately and rested them over his thighs, then slipped her shoes off her feet. "You alright?" He asked, as he picked up one of her feet and began to rub down her instep with his thumbs to relieve the tension. She nodded, and once he'd finished, he kissed her foot gently, then placed them back on the floor. "Come with me," he whispered, and he took her hand and led her out of the office. He took her to the elevator, and Connie groaned as she knew that being in such a confined space with Jacob for so long was not a good idea. The clanking of the machinery rattled ever closer, until finally, the doors opened and Jacob guided Connie inside. She tried not to look at him, as she knew that if she did, she'd be tempted to kiss his gorgeous face, but he noticed, and crept up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist. Her stomach rose at his soft touch and she was unable to pull away from him as his arms secured her tightly.

"Staff Nurse Masters," she whispered slowly, her heart racing. He didn't move his hands, just swayed from side to side, breathing on her neck. Suddenly, the elevator doors opened, and the cold wind hit Connie instantly. Why he had taken her to the roof, she had no idea, but he guided her out regardless. It was then she saw it - there was a small gazebo on the top of the hospital, with a red carpet leading up to it. Connie could faintly hear some music coming from it, and she followed Jacob down the middle to slip inside.

"So, dinner?" He asked, once she'd had time to take in her surroundings. There was a bench in the middle, with a selection of sandwiches and other nibbles on it, and there was a bottle of non-alcoholic wine in the centre, next to a vase of the most beautiful red roses. It was warm inside, as Jacob had taken the liberty of putting a Paraffin Heater in at the back corner. Connie sighed as she looked on at the beautiful display, and didn't complain when Jacob snaked his arms around her once more.

"Dinner," she whispered, and he let go of her - all too soon for her liking - so that he could invite her to sit down at the bench. This was the single most romantic thing a man had ever done for her, and she felt quite emotional as she ate with him, knowing that nothing serious could ever come of their time together because of her illness. However, the dinner was lovely, and was just what she needed, so she moved round to the other side of the bench to sit with him. His arm wrapped over her shoulders, and they looked at each other softly for a few seconds. Blinded by what she felt for him, Connie slowly began to move round, sitting across his lap, and debated with herself over whether she was doing the right thing by succumbing to her intense desire. He placed his hands on the firm globes of her arse, and allowed her mouth to surround his slowly in a deep, passionate embrace. His tongue wove through her parted lips and collided with hers, moving sensually around her. Her hands cupped his cheeks, pushing her tongue deeper into his mouth, creating an almost symmetrical dance motif. She rolled her hips along his thigh in time with the kiss, grinding her sex across his erection, and she whimpered softly into his mouth. He broke away from her soon later, moving his hands up to hold her by her waist, and looked at her intently.

"Not here," he whispered, ever the responsible one.

"Okay," she whispered. "But please just kiss me again."

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