Chapter 6

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Just a side note - have you all seen next weeks trailer?!

She woke up with a smile on her face, but that soon dissipated when she realised that she was alone. Looking around, she couldn't see any sign of a note, so she climbed out of bed, pulled on her fluffy dressing gown and slippers, and began to make her way downstairs. As she moved down, the faint smell of toast rose from the kitchen, and she could hear whistling too. He was singing along to the radio in her ex's t-shirt and his boxer shorts, and was frying some bacon in a pan. She smiled as she stood at the door watching him, causing him to jump when he did eventually see her.

"How long have you been stood there?" He asked, smiling.

"Long enough to see you singing along to Elvis Presley," she smirked. "I didn't know you were such a fan."

"Do you want this breakfast or not, Mrs B?" He asked, and she laughed as she made her way over to him. She took a piece of toast off the plate, biting the side, and then placed a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. As she walked away, he grabbed her waist and pulled her back, kissing the side of her neck multiple times.

"Jacob," she laughed, enjoying the way his mouth moved against her skin. She loved to see the happy version of Jacob back again, and she was surprised that she could have such a positive effect on him. "Jacob!" She cried again, before he let her go and she turned around to face him. She sat by her kitchen island and stood watching him finish their breakfast, and then they sat together and ate it. "I didn't know you could cook," she admitted.

"You call this cooking?" He laughed, and she smiled at his reaction. "I'll make you a proper meal one day, then you can experience the height of my cooking. I'm an exemplary cook - you wait and see."

"You're not very modest about it, Staff Nurse Masters," she laughed. He fell quiet, and she looked across at him, confused. She reached her hand forward and stroked her thumb across his knuckles. "Was it something I said?" She asked.

"I quit my job, didn't I? You can't really call me 'Staff Nurse Masters' anymore. I made so many mistakes."

"Jacob, you never formally quit, and even if you did, I'd take you back in a heartbeat. You are an absolute credit to that department and letting you go would be the biggest mistake of my life." He couldn't help but feel as though she was speaking about their relationship too, but since at the moment, they were just housemates and good friends (with perhaps a few cheeky benefits), he knew that that was probably just his own mind.

"You're the best, Mrs B," he said, gathering their plates and walking over to the sink.

"And don't you forget it," she replied as he turned and went upstairs to have a shower. She followed him up not long later, and took out her diary from her drawer, then began to write when she was sure that she wasn't going to be disturbed.

Dear Diary,

Jacob is staying with me. He's just told me why he's been so distant and now I understand, and so he needs a stable place to sort himself out. I know how I feel about him, and I know what I want to happen between us, but I don't feel like I should bring it up any time soon - he's so vulnerable, he needs room to breathe. I just don't know how to approach him any more, because every time I see him, I want to kiss him, and then I remember that there's a huge barrier between us - his emotional state, my illness, our careers, our friends. I told myself that I should distance myself from him, but I can't keep away. What is wrong with me? Why is it that the most perfect opportunity has to come along at the least perfect time? Anyway, he's going to get out of the shower soon, so I'll have to go - the last thing I want is for him finding out everything so soon.

All my love, Connie

Just as she'd placed her diary back in her drawer, and began to look at getting her clothes out for work, she heard the shower turn off, and the bathroom door open. She waited five minutes or so to see if he came in, but he didn't, and so she decided to strip down so she could have her own shower. She was facing away from the door, and was stood in her bra and knickers when he walked in.

"Woah, sorry Mrs B!" He laughed, shutting the door once again.

"Jacob!" She scolded, trying to cover herself up a little. "What are you doing?"

"Man needed his clothes, didn't he?"

"Well what are you doing waiting out there?" She asked, trying to cover herself with a blanket. "Come and get them." He opened the door, and saw her trying to cover herself. He smiled to himself, and walked over to where he had put his clothes the night before. Connie had done her best to wash them, but they hadn't yet been ironed, and so he had to take them into the spare room. As he picked them up and turned to walk out, he got his towel caught on the corner of the bed, and he stumbled as it was pulled from around his waist.

"Shit," he whispered, causing Connie to turn around. She saw him knelt there, completely naked, fumbling around with his towel, and she couldn't help but bite her lip to stifle her giggles. "Are you laughing at me?" He asked, finally standing up and sorting out his towel properly.

"What if I was, Staff Nurse Masters?" She teased, and smirked as his eyes moved up to meet hers.

"Oh, there'd be consequences, sweet-cheeks," he grinned.

"Sounds promising," she hummed, causing his eyes to widen in shock. Suddenly, he dropped his pile of clothes and tossed her backwards on to the bed, causing her to scream a little. He crawled on top of her and looked down into her wanting eyes. "What are you doing?" She asked breathlessly.

"Whatever you want," he replied, and watched as she bit her lip in anticipation. He released her lip, then crashed their mouths together fiercely, making clear the passion and the desperation they had for one another. She whimpered under his firm, dominant mouth, as he snaked his hand under the blanket to unwrap it and cheekily palm her breast.

"Mmm," she moaned deeply, allowing his hands to explore her body. "Mm, Jacob, are you sure about this?" She asked, hardly suppressing her moans.

"If you are," he whispered, kissing her neck gently. "I want nothing more." Her bra was soon thrown aside, her knickers on the floor, as were his boxer shorts, and it wasn't long before he was able to position himself against her then slide in to her wet, wanting core. She hissed his name through gritted teeth, as he pulled in and out of her steadily, beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. She had to grip on to the sides of the bed to stop herself from crying out too loudly, and she moaned and writhed beneath him as his erection continued to fill her so beautifully. Her muscles were tight around him as she experienced him inside her for the first time, and she felt every movement of him against her flesh. His hands were grasping the pillows next to Connie's head, and his mouth was pressing fervent kisses to her neck. She cried out again, and it only took a few more forceful thrusts before he came inside her, setting off her orgasm, and they both came down from their high simultaneously. Neither of them spoke for a while, and he stayed inside her as they lay together on the bed, completely exhausted.

"If that's the consequence, I think I'll be doing a lot more bad things around you," she muttered eventually, kissing his head.

"I look forward to it," he panted.

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