Chapter 10

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Dear Diary,

And so it's official. Jacob and I have been together for exactly one year. What a time to look back on all the happy times he's brought me during our time together - first of all, my last birthday, when we kissed in reception, then Christmas, and not even to mention how amazing he was on Grace's birthday. We've lived together ever since we got together... How many couples can say that and still be as strong as we are? Needless to say he is the most caring, most considerate man I could've ever fallen in love with. I don't think he's remembered that it's our 'anniversary' today, as he didn't mention it this morning, but neither did I, so I can't be sure. I love him so much, and so I've gotten him a gift. I was going to buy a puppy, as he's been wanting one for ages, but I won't be around to look after it for much longer, and Jacob will be working too, so he can't do it on his own. I always said that death would never scare me, but I was given about two years to live, and now seeing how fast this past year has gone, it scares me to think that this time next year, I may be critically ill, or not here at all. So, rather than a puppy, I thought I'd settle on something else that he's always wanted, I just don't know how he's going to take it. I want to take this opportunity to spoil him, and I've been saving up since Christmas! He never told me when his birthday was, so I ended up missing that, and then for Christmas, he said he didn't want me to buy him a lot, so I wasn't able to spoil him as much as I wanted to. I hope he'll be happy with this - I've bought him a new car. He looks at it every time we drive past the showroom on our way to work, and so I decided it was about time he could do more than just look. It's an Audi SUV; white, and top of the range. He loves the car, but I don't know whether he'll love me for buying it or not. I'd better get going anyway - he's just getting out of the shower, and this would be the worst time for him to find my diary! I know I should've told him by now, but every time he mentions spending the rest of our lives together, I can't bear to tell him that the rest of my life may only be another year or so. He means too much to me - I'd prefer to not have to disappoint him like that.

Anyway, I'm going to go and enjoy my anniversary!
All my love, Connie x

She closed her diary and placed it in the safe confinement so far her bedside cabinet. Jacob had seen it once and asked her what it was, but when she explained that it was her diary, he backed right off. He didn't want to invade her privacy, and that was lovely. He came out of the bathroom and into the bedroom a few minutes later, and saw her perched on the edge of the bed.

"How's my muscles?" Connie smiled as he approached her, wiping his head with the towel.

"I'm good actually, how about you? Looking radiant, as per," he flirted.

"Oh Jacob, how can I be radiant when I haven't even got out of my dressing gown yet?" She laughed, and he approached her slowly.

"You can, and you are," he whispered. "But if you insist." He began to unfasten her dressing gown, knowing that she was naked beneath it, and gently pushed her down on to the bed. Once it opened and he was able to gaze down at her beautiful body, he smiled to himself, and watched as she bit her lip. "There you go - you're out of your dressing gown. You're radiant." Connie smirked, and Jacob dropped the towel, allowing his tongue to crawl into her mouth and his body to press lightly against hers. He moved his mouth the crook of her neck and left a trail of wet kisses leading down to her chest. He sucked on her nipples, and kissed around her breasts, before resuming his demonstrations down her stomach to her navel, and over her crotch. He sat before her and played with her a little with his fingers, watching as she closed her eyes and bit her lip. He separated her legs with his hands, and kissed her inner thighs softly, before resuming to fondle her softly. He watched her every response - she was deliciously hot when she moaned for him - and slowly inserted one finger inside her.

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