Chapter 4

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It had been a couple of days since the dinner, and Connie was starting to feel like Jacob didn't actually want her, he just wanted to know he could get her if he wanted to, as they hadn't really spoken since. However, they hadn't had time, as the ED had been packed with a load of different cases. They'd also had to take on a lot from Saint James', and so that was probably why they'd been apart. Hopefully that was the only reason. She took out her diary and decided to write another entry, as she couldn't talk to anyone else.

Dear Diary,

Is it wrong of me to want Jacob so much, even when I know it's going to end in tears? I feel selfish for pursuing him, but I can't help the way I feel about him. I haven't really spoken to him since our kiss at dinner, which I wrote about previously, and being without him is much harder than I first anticipated. He makes me feel like no one else ever has before, which makes me even more guilty. I'm just at a crossroads with what to do - I don't know which way is the right way to go, because either path is going to hurt someone. I should just move on and let him go, but if I'm struggling this much without him for a few days, how on Earth am I going to cope with never being with him?

Much love, Connie x

She closed her diary and placed it back in her drawer, then stood up to go and find Jacob. She spotted him immediately looking over a couple of patient files, and shouted his name.

"Staff Nurse Masters, come with me." She called, and he received some scared glances from his friends, expecting that he had done something wrong.

"Is there a problem, sweet-cheeks?" He asked, loudly enough for his friends to hear, and then he locked the door behind him and made his way towards Connie. "I haven't had chance to see you for so long," he whispered, walking up to her.

"Actually, that's what I was hoping to speak to you about," she replied, trying to remain formal when he was so close to her.

"I'm so sorry," he said, his breath caressing her neck. "I tried, we've just been so busy, and you've not been around for me to invite you over or anything. I've missed you," he whispered.

"I suppose I've missed you too," she replied, smiling. He attached his lips to hers in seconds, his hands fisting through her hair as he felt her mouth against his once more. He began to unbutton her shirt, and she didn't stop him, allowing him to pick her up and sit her on the edge of her desk as her body was exposed to his menacing hands. Her hands moved to his head to bring him down closer to her, before they moved down his body to work at unbuttoning his shirt. He skated his to the dip in her waist and held her there while she got rid of his shirt, and they broke their kiss so he could look at her. She was beautiful. He moved in to kiss her again, but she pulled back, and wrapped her shirt around her body.

"I'm so sorry, Jacob," she muttered. "I can't do this." He was about to gather his things and leave, but then they saw the door handle being pushed down, and the angry voice of Henrik Hanssen bellowing on the other side.

"Connie, how many times? You need to keep your office door open!"

"So pests like you can just walk in and out as you please?" She retorted, pulling on her shirt quickly and apologising quietly to Jacob. He climbed under her desk, and then Connie unlocked the door and allowed Henrik to enter, once she'd fixed up her blouse. She invited him to sit opposite her, and so Connie sat on her chair behind her desk. "What do you want, anyway? I was a little busy."

"I wanted to give you these," he said, dropping some files on to her desk. "Statistics of the department."

"What sort of statistics?" Connie asked, trying her best to act interested.

"All sorts of things. Death rates, birth rates, patient satisfaction, the list goes on. I think you'll find, Mrs Beauchamp, that the bad aspects are increasing, and the good aspects are decreasing - it's not looking good."

"We have been drove in to the ground by Saint James'! It's not our fault that they can't keep their doors open!"

"Perhaps you should consider an alternate approach to the issues, Connie, because this one certainly isn't working for you. If you're not careful, you're going to end up the same way as them, with your doors shut for good." He left her with the files, and then left her office, leaving the door ajar behind him. Connie scowled, and looked down at Jacob, who appeared emotionless and a little angry.

"You do a wonderful job, Mrs B. Don't let him tell you any different." He said, standing up and pulling his shirt on.

"Aren't you staying?" She asked, as she noticed him walk towards the door.

"You just said you couldn't do it," he stated simply. "Have a nice evening, Mrs Beauchamp." With that, he walked out of her office with his clothes thrown on quickly, and Connie called after him twice, though to no avail. She realised she had caused a scene by shouting him in the ED, and so she told everyone to get back on with their work before going back to her office to sit down.

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