Chapter 15

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Jacob practically leapt in to her lap, and began smothering her in soft, sweet kisses. "Jacob!" She laughed, trying to move him off her, but he wouldn't budge. "Jacob!" He suddenly jumped up, smiling like an idiot, and then pulled her out of the ED and straight to his car. The first thing Connie noticed was that he wasn't driving the Audi that he'd bought. "What did you do to the Audi?" Connie asked, anxiously.

"Put it in the garage with your bike. I couldn't bear to drive it Con, but it's a beautiful car, and a beautiful gesture, from a beautiful woman." She smiled at him fondly and climbed in to the passenger side, and they began to drive towards Connie's house. Naturally, she moved her hand to rest on his upper thigh, and drew small circles on his leg with her nails. She didn't even realise she was doing it, but about five minutes in to their journey home, Jacob turned down a country lane and stopped the car in a field.

"What are you doing?" She laughed, but was silenced by Jacob leaning across the car and clasping his lips over hers. The kiss was so forceful - so desperate - that it took Connie's breath away, and she was even more shocked when his tongue pushed inside her mouth and through her parted lips. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues met and moved around each other quickly, tasting each other for the first time in about four months. They broke apart, and Connie climbed over the seats and sat in the back. She beckoned Jacob to follow, and he did, climbing above her. It was a little cramped, but they managed to get their clothes off quickly, and were soon back to kissing each other. He took one of her nipples into his mouth and played around with it, using his teeth to lightly run across the top, causing her to moan in deep pleasure. "Oh Jacob please," she hissed, tossing her head back as his fingers moved between her legs to touch her crotch.

"As you wish," he whispered in her ear, and kissed her earlobe as he positioned himself in front of her, after a little bit of them shuffling around to sort themselves out. With one forceful thrust, he filled her completely, and she screamed loudly in pleasure. They both moaned, as he moved quickly inside her, and the pair of them were beginning to sweat quite quickly.

"Oh, hell, I've missed this," Connie cried as he filled her once more, pushing in and out at a demanding pace. She was so wet, so he slid in and out of her easily, hitting her favourite spot deep inside her each time. He played with one of her breasts, but he needed his other hand to stable himself in the car, and so he had to alternate, elongating her nipple and massaging her breast softly. "Oh Jacob," she breathed once more.

"Connie I'm going to-"

"It's alright, baby," she whispered, her hands moving to hold his head and gently rub behind his ears. He moaned deeply as his orgasm ripped through him and he emptied himself inside Connie, setting off her own orgasm. His hot liquid coursed through her body and both of them were too exhausted to move for a short while. "Oh my god," she whispered as he eventually pulled out of her, his length coated in her juices.

"Well Beauchamp," he laughed, wiping himself off. "That was the best sex I've ever had."

"What about New Years?" Connie asked, reminding him of the time when they spent hours in bed, being as loud as they wanted, accompanied with Connie's little toy. She saw him smile, and they had to agree that that had been the best sex either of them had ever had. "What I wouldn't give for a vibrator now," she giggled, and Jacob smirked at her.

"Second best then," he replied, and she nodded. She couldn't close her legs as she was so tired, and Jacob took the opportunity to dive forward and lick up some of her juices. She was so sensitive, and she shook a little as his tongue made contact with her flesh.

"Oh, you're cruel," she moaned as he continued to flick his tongue over her clitoris, making her writhe beneath him. She couldn't keep still - his tongue was torture, and she felt herself quickly rising to another orgasm. He decided to tease her further, and bit extremely lightly on the tip, causing her to toss her head back. His teeth grazed her slowly, while his tongue continued to lap up any evidence of her previous orgasm. He slipped a finger inside her, and penetrated it inside her slowly, tormenting her. "Jacob, for Christ's Sakes!" She cried, but he just smiled at her, continuing to lick her slowly and move one finger inside her. It was driving her crazy, but goddamn it was hot. She tried to move along him to make him move faster, but he held her in place, making sure that he continued at his tantalisingly slow pace. "Jacob!" She begged, but he was having none of it, and continued his slow demonstrations. Slipping another two fingers inside her, sexual gratification soared through her, and she needed him to go faster to force her over the edge and into another orgasm. However, as if he'd read her mind, he moved his fingers even more slowly, causing her to cry out in frustration. When she finally did reach her climax, it was much more intense, and her orgasm coated Jacob's hand.

"Oh, baby," he whispered, seeming proud of her. She smiled, and pulled his hand up to clean it off, before they got their clothes back on and climbed back into the front. They smiled at each other constantly throughout the whole journey back home, and Connie began to feel nervous as they pulled in to her street. "Grace has got her friend over," Jacob informed Connie. "Usually she comes to the ED to meet me straight after school, and then once I know she's okay, she'll stay in your office for an hour while I just finish off. Then we come back, and generally she does her homework while I make tea."

"You're a brilliant parent," Connie said, feeling a little jealous that Jacob had more time for her daughter.

"Grace still calls me Jacob - I don't want to replace her dad."

"Oh please, Sam? He was more of a sperm donor, than a dad. Trust me, if he's a Nokia, then you're an iPhone 7."

"Miaow!" Jacob grinned, and then stopped. "Wait, has the iPhone 7 even been released yet?"

"Precisely," Connie smiled, kissing Jacob quickly before climbing out of the car. Jacob opened the door, and walked up to the doorway leading to the front room, while Connie stayed quietly by the front door. She felt like a guest in her own house! Jacob was about to shout for Grace, but she came running forward and threw her arms around his middle.

"Jacob!" She called, hugging him tightly. "You're home early!"

"I have to tell you something," he said, smiling. "Where's Emily?" He asked, looking around the front room and realising that no one else was there.

"Her mum just picked her up. What did you need to tell me?" Jacob looked down at Grace, and then stepped backwards so that she could see Connie. "Mum!" Grace couldn't have been more surprised - or more happy for that matter - and she ran forwards instantly and wrapped her arms around Connie, which hurt Connie's bump a little. Tears poured down Grace's face, and Connie bent down to wipe them away. "They're happy tears!" Grace insisted, struggling to breathe.

"I'm happy to see you too, sweetheart," Connie said, beginning to cry a few tears of her own.

"Please stay with us," Grace whispered, and Connie couldn't do anything but nod happily.

"Of course I will, baby. Of course I will." Connie noticed that Jacob had disappeared upstairs, and he came down a little while later carrying a small black box. Connie stood up - she'd seen the ring once before, and she could never forget it, but she couldn't wait to see it again. Grace turned around and saw what was happening, and stepped back to give her mother and Jacob some space. He walked down the steps, looking into her eyes, and then got down on one knee in front of her. He reached forward and took Connie's hand, and looked into her eyes as he spoke.

"I love you. I've always loved you, and I've always loved your daughter-"

"And our baby," Connie added, and the pair glanced over to Grace who's mouth had formed a perfect 'o'.

"I'm going to have a little brother or sister?" Grace cried, and Connie nodded. Grace was so happy, but didn't want to interfere with the proposal, so just celebrated a little to herself.

"I've always loved you," Jacob repeated. "I've always loved your daughter, and I will love our baby just the same. While it may not be possible for me to spend my life with you, it would be my greatest honour to have you spend the rest of your life with me. You know the vows, Connie - 'in sickness and in health'. I love you regardless, and I will protect you for as long as we have together. Please, Constance Beauchamp, make me the happiest man on the Earth and be my wife." Connie nodded, tears in her eyes, and Jacob slipped the beautiful ring on to her finger. Connie threw her arms around Jacob, almost knocking him over, and then Grace jumped in the middle, causing them all to fall on the floor laughing. Connie finally had her family back, and while it might not have been for long, it was perfect, and for now, she was set on enjoying it.

I've got the entire story written now, so I'm thinking about just posting all of it together (it only goes up to Chapter 18). What do you think?

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