Chapter 8

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"Ah, Jacob, yes, right there," Connie moaned as she tried to steady herself on the floor. He had her leant over her office desk, pushing into her from behind, and so all her pens, and documents, were scattered across the floor. Her skirt had been hoisted up around her hips, and his length was moving deep inside her at a deliciously fast pace, causing Connie to moan obscenely

"Connie," he groaned, reaching his hands around to massage her breasts while he continued his demonstration. He felt her reaching her orgasm fairly quickly, and so he continued with some fast, forceful thrusts. "Come with me," he whispered, and his words were her undoing, as they reached their climax together, and she came down from her high, collapsing across her desk, scattering a few final documents along the way.

Connie jumped awake and rubbed her eyes, realising that she had just had another dream about Jacob. It was starting to irritate her now - for the past two weeks, almost every dream she had had been invaded by Jacob and his irresistible features. Connie sighed as she rolled over to check the time, and after discovering that it was quarter to three in the morning, Connie pulled out her trusty toy from her bedside cabinet. Grace was one of those people who could sleep through a World War, but even so, the last thing Connie wanted was for Grace to know what her mother was doing, so she had to keep her moans to a very minimum. Connie's bedroom was at the opposite end of the hallway to Grace's room, and knowing that there was distance between the two rooms made Connie feel a little more comfortable during her "playtime". Connie had had to succumb to the sexual desire formed by these dreams of Jacob each night, and it made her sleep a little easier, as it meant that she wasn't constantly being woken by thoughts of him. Getting herself comfortable under the covers, Connie flicked the vibrator onto the lowest setting and placed the tip against her clitoris immediately, getting straight in to the action. She bit her lip to stop her from moaning, and allowed thoughts of Jacob to run into her mind as she sent herself into a new world of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Jacob had been up late watching a television series on Netflix, and had just crawled in to bed not so long ago. He had a photograph of Connie from a while ago on his mobile phone, and he couldn't resist looking at it before he fell asleep. Her smile was so pure, and her eyes were so bright, and it just captured so many of her beautiful qualities. Obviously it couldn't capture all of them as her personality and her wit couldn't be captured in an image, and in addition to those, a photograph couldn't capture the one quality that he found himself thinking about the most - how perfectly he was able to fit inside her that one time they got together. Positioning his pillow behind his head, he looked up at the ceiling and placed his hand over his erection, which was beginning to hurt a little from thoughts of being inside Connie. He had struggled to cope these last few weeks without speaking to her much at all, and recently he had sought solace in thinking about her late at night. His hand began to move down his length as he remembered the way her muscles clenched around him, and he hissed loudly to himself. His hand moved around his length as he imagined her mouth mimicking the actions, and it wasn't long before he came and was able to fall into a deep, restful sleep.

The next morning, Connie had gotten Grace to school and had just pulled in to work when she bumped in to Jacob.

"Sorry sweet-cheeks," he said, smiling at her softly. The pair looked at each other a little awkwardly, as obviously they know what they'd done themselves, but were completely unaware that the other had done the same thing too.

"Good morning, Staff Nurse Masters," she replied, with a twinkling in her eye. Connie couldn't help but feel desperation for him, and it hurt her more knowing that he didn't want them to be a couple. He'd said so himself - that time, in front of Grace. They both walked in to the ED and went their separate ways, but somehow ended up working together for almost the entire shift. The last patient Connie saw, she saw on her own, and the patient was an elderly woman, who was dying from lung cancer. The saddest part was that this woman had never touched a cigarette in her life, and had always drank responsibly.

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