A serious talk between Callie and Jynx?

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"Callie, dude." Jynx popped in the doorway and sat beside his sister on the couch. She had her earbuds on and was listening to music. "'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady. All you other slim shadys are just imitating, so wont the real slim shady please stand up? please stand up?" Callie sang with her eyes closed.

Jynx groaned and  pulled the earbuds out of her ear so she could hear him. "Hey!" she protested and tried to grab them back but failed. "Bro, we have to have a serious talk." he told her in a serious tone. "Oh shit, you found the grass?" she teased him with a fake worried face. Jynx laughed. "Hey, im trying to be serious here!" he protested and playfully punched her arm.

"Okay, shoot." she told him pressing pause on her music. "We should form a contract." Jynx told her with his best serious face still on. "Your joking right? I kinda wanna keep my soul." she said covering her chest up as if she was hiding her soul from him. Jynx laughed. "It will be in good hands, and im sure it will taste fucking awesome." he said laughing. "Don't you trust me, bro?" he asked her, serious once again.

"Of course. But a soul is something serious, bro..." she mumbled. "Just say yes or no." he said and rolled his eyes. "Yes!!!!!" she got up and yelled. "THIS IS GONNA BE HELLA AWESHUM!" She said with the anime kitty face. (:3 ). "YEAH!" He said and gave her a highfive which she gladly returned, grinning.

"Now, I just have to figure out how to create a contract..." Jynx mumbled and Callie facepalmed. "I could show you~" Sebastian appeared out of nowhere. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" Callie exclaimed and sweatdropped. "The kitchen." Sebastian told her, smiling. "Oh..." she mumbled and sat down again. "Ear buds?" she asked Jynx and held out her hand for him to drop them in. he rolled his eyes and dropped them in her palm. Callie happily popped the in and pressed play again after she picked another song of course. She felt like listening to MCR instead of Eminem now. sing it. Boy, you've gotta see what tomorrow brings. sing it out, girl, you gotta be what tomorrow needs.

"Tell meeee!" Jynx demanded, and Sebastian did.


"HOLY HELL, THAT HURT LIKE A BIIIIIIIIIiiiiiitch..." Callie yelped and held the back of her neck, which now had Jynx's demon seal on it. "It hurt me too...just a pinch..." Jynx told his sister and examined his hand, which had a matching symbol on it. "So....I get your soul when pigs fly?" Jynx asked Callie with a raised eyebrow. "That's what I said, didn't I?" Callie replied and laughed. "Bitch..." Jynx pouted. "Im sure they will fly someday~!" Callie told him and laughed. She noticed Jynx was really upset though. "Y-you know...you can have it when im twenty five, okay?" she told him with a smile. "WOOT WOOT!" He grabbed her and hugged her. "Ouchh.." she said and rubbed the back of her neck again

"But why twenty three?" Jynx asked his sister. "Cause I wanna be a mortician, remember?" she told him and went back to her IPod, no longer interested.

Jynx took the left earbud out of her ear and put it in his, he didn't expect Callie to be listening to the song she was. come back, come back to me..save me from my misery. light the fire that burns in me. come back, come back to me. Jynx quickly pressed the next button and didn't expect the next song to come on either. hi, my name is, what? my name is, who? (scratch) slim shady. Jynx groaned and pressed the next button again. You gimme gimmie gimmie love and I dropped it, I think I got a hole in my pocket. He once again pressed the next button again. Po-pii-po- "CALLIE. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THESE SONGS, BRO?!" He yelled playfully and pressed the next button again. "FINNAAAALLLYYY!!" Less than three is just a tease, send those nudes, make me drool. Hit me up make me- "JYNX!" She laughed and pressed the next button. "Oh please, that's a great song and you know it." Callie sighed and nodded but rolled her eyes. Migit e ni wa oriibu~! Hedari te ni wa tomatoe~! "THATS IT IM CLICKING A SONG, IM TIRED OF FLIPPING!" He yelled and snatched up her Ipod laughing. "WHATS UP WITH THESE RANDOM SHITTY SONGS?" He asked her. "Eh, that's my other music app. X-Box music, not apple." she told him. He sighed and pressed the apple music app. He pressed Candyland by BOTDF and turned it up again.


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