someone save us

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this is probably going to be p short because im tired as fuck and i miss my girlfriend and i just want to fucking punch someone because my IED is at a high right now

also i dont know what happens when you get a tattoo so im sort of just winging it and its probably incredibly inaccurate but i had an idea and i needed to roll with it

happy valentines day or whatever

when frank had told brian that he was going out, brian had been ecstatic. "good for you!" he said. "i'm glad you're finally getting outside and socializing!" he said. of course, once frank had told him he was going out to get another tattoo, brian sighed and shooed him away, pressing his credit card into the palm of frank's hand.

"get a girlfriend or something while you're at it." frank heard brian mumble as frank pushed open the door. frank had only responded by flipping him off and slamming the door behind him.

frank stepped over the cracks in the sidewalk with his hands jammed deep in his pockets. he already had an idea in mind for his tattoo - well, tattoos now that he had brian's credit card - he was thinking maybe a scorpion on his neck, just below his ear, and halloween across his knuckles.

he was going to a new artist because his old one was jailed. either for drug use or rape, frank couldn't remember. shame, really. todd was talented.

frank looked up as he passed a tattoo parlor to see if it was worth looking in to. when he saw the shitty exterior, he almost walked away, but the designs in the window caught his eye. one of them, especially - a winged virgin mary crying blood, it looked like, and it was sick. almost immediately, frank pushed open the door.

he was met with one of the most amazing parlors he had ever been to.

of course, nothing about it was particularly special. it wasn't large, and there wasn't anything outstandingly perfect about it, but it was covered with drawings upon drawings that frank adored. honestly, if he had enough space on his body, he would probably get most of them done, but he was pretty much broke and didn't have miles of skin on his body, so two [or three?] would have to do.

"hello?" frank called, still hovering by the door.

"one second!" a voice sounded out from the back room.

frank shuffled around on his feet a bit and looked at the designs on the wall next to him. and lo and behold, there was the virgin mary, only bigger this time, staring back at him. frank looked away before he got too infatuated and turned around quickly when he heard footsteps approaching him.

a tall man stood before him with dirty blonde hair and glasses. he was lanky, though, and had no tattoos to be seen, which was rare in a tattoo artist, unless he was the designer. that was pretty unlikely, though, as his hands were clean and not smudged in ink like frank guessed a designers hands would be.

"hey, i'm mikey, how can i help you?" he smiled widely, looking at frank.

frank smiled back and nodded towards the designs on the walls. "i want to get a couple tattoos, if that's alright."

mikey nodded and led him to the chair. "do you have original designs you wanted to get done, or did you see some you wanted?"

"original. i have two."

mikey nodded. "i don't do the designs, but my brother does. let me get him, one second." he then disappeared back into the back room, leaving frank alone. again.

fortunately, mikey reappeared only moments later, another man trailing behind him, and holy shit the world was out to kill frank, because behind mikey was fucking gerard from the coffee shop.

gerard must have recognized frank too, because his eyes widened and he grinned a little. "hey, i think i know you?" he then frowned. "please say i do, because it would be incredibly awkward if i didnt." he chuckled a little, making eye contact with frank who sort of just melted.

"ah, yeah," frank offered a watery smile. "i'm a barista at the coffee shop down the road."

gerard's grin widened a bit and he nodded. "oh yeah! you make a mean latte."

frank blushed and curled in on himself a little, silently begging mikey to save him. which, he did, and frank was thanking mikey aggressively with his mind when he said, "ah, frank? why don't we talk about our design ideas?"

frank snapped out of his praying-and-thanking-god-for-mikey session and nodded vigorously. "yes, yeah, that's a good idea."

he started talking about the knuckle tattoos and the scorpion, but couldn't really focus with gerard watching him and nodding and smiling at his various ideas and shit frank was sure god or whatever was up above was trying to kill him.


to be continued

and yes mikey is a tattoo artist fite me m8

pls dont be a silent reader pls pls pls

side note : how do you deal with panic attacks due to excessive anger? because i've had IED for a while but i don't know how to deal with the panic attacks that come with it and i don't know what to do when it happens

i guess this will be dedicated to candyflossmelanie because like holy shit thanks for the follow? means a lot to me,,,


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