hand in mine

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just after the shop had closed, frank locked himself in his room and blasted black flag as loud as it would go. he did this regularly - he would jump around, headbanging and moshing (by himself) to excessively loud music in his room. brian hated him for it, of course, but to frank it was completely worth it.

usually it was fine to use his phone for the music, as he didn't get many notifications, but today his music was interrupted by the loud pinging noise of his text notifications. he paused mid-air-guitar solo and glared at where his phone was plugged into the shitty home speaker. he groaned loudly and fell to the floor dramatically, completely aware that he was alone in his room and was allowed to do whatever the fuck he wanted to.

he grudgingly dragged himself to where his phone was plugged in and aggressively removed the aux cord, turning on his phone with much more force than needed. he scowled at the screen for a second, and before he knew it his angry demeanor was intensified into one of pure annoyance.

brian: clean up your shit downstairs

frank scoffed and stood up from his position on the floor only to fall back down onto his bed.

frank: no

that solves that problem.

while frank was still in his messages, though, he tapped the icon to write a new message. he rolled up his sleeve gently and carefully copied the number into his phone. he smiled slightly and wrote a message, sending it after much consideration.

frank: um hi gerard it's frank now you have my number i guess ?

he got a reply within the minute and he eagerly unlocked his phone, reading the response.

gerard: oh hey i was wondering when you were going to text me,, or if you were going to text me at all

the two texted for, hell, it seemed like hours, but in reality, it was no more than thirty minutes, as they were interrupted yet again by brian yellin at frank to 'get his ass downstairs.'

frank quickly said goodbye to gerard and unlocked his door, dragging his feet down the stairs. "what do you want?" he yelled, pausing before he came to the bottom of the steps.

"you have a visitor, dumbass!" brian's irritated voice sounded back at him, and his eyebrow quirked with curiosity.

he walked down the rest of the stairs hesitantly and looked around the corner to see brian chatting easily with mikey fucking way.

"frank! hey!" mikey waved a little. frank smiled in response. "i just came to talk to you about, well, my brother."

frank paled and coughed. "um, okay. you can come up to my room, if you like?" mikey nodded and shot a quick smile to brian, who smiled back. mikey followed frank back up the stairs and into his bedroom.

it was weird - frank felt strangely self conscious as mikey looked around his room. of course, it was a little clean for a guy's room, and instead of sports stuff, he had posters and a pastel blue record player that brian had given him.

mikey only nodded and said, "this is sick. i love your room." he promptly sat down on frank's bed and looked at him seriously. "okay. frank. my brother."

frank made a small noise. "mhm?"

"he," mikey paused, "is really shy and awkward and doesn't have many social skills." frank nodded a little, motioning for mikey to continue.

"he also is very gay." mikey said nonchalantly, causing frank to almost choke on his own tongue.

"what?" he croaked, eyes wide.

mikey spoke to frank as if frank was a two year old. "he is very," he made an obscene finger gesture, "gay." frank nodded weakly.

"the thing about gerard," mikey continued as if frank hadn't almost died at the news. "is that he doesn't get crushes on people very much, and when he does, it's a big deal to him. okay? what i'm trying to say is," he leaned in closer, "i think he really likes you and you need to, you know, not break his heart."

frank let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. "yeah, i- yeah."

"good man." mikey patted frank on the shoulder and left, leaving frank feeling more confused than ever.



im almost 100% sure frankie is dying from Feels™ oops sorry fren ily

idk how i feel about this book i might unpublish it


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