i can't control myself because i don't know how

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frank didn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

once gerard had kissed him a couple more times and announced he had to go help mikey with something, frank had came back into the shop grinning like an idiot.

"what the fuck is the matter with you?" brian asked as frank skipped into the kitchen, beaming.

"hm?" frank hummed, singing to himself softly.

brian scoffed and leaned against the counter where frank was happily pouring himself a coffee. "what do you mean, 'hm'? you're not being a cynical teenager. you either got a great deal on some tattoo or something, or you got laid-" brian froze and his eyes widened at the oblivious frank.

"did you get laid?" brian squeaked, his face turning pink. "oh god-"

"no!" frank laughed, both at brian's ever reddening cheeks and the stupid closeness of his guess to the real thing. "no, i didn't get laid."

frank thought about gerard, and how soft gerard's lips were on his, and how gentle he was, and in a matter of seconds he was blushing too.

"aha!" brian pointed at frank's pink face. "you did get laid!"

"no!" frank giggled nervously. he smiled a shy smile and rubbed his arm. "it was almost better than that."

brian's face scrunched up in confusion. "what could.." he looked up as if trying to recall something. he shook his head. "what could be better than getting laid?"

frank only shrugged and nodded, promptly running up the stairs to his room, brian on his heels. he closed and locked the door just in time for brian to run headfirst into it, frank giggling on the other side. "motherfucker!" brian shouted, and kicked the door lightly. "c'mon, what happened? tell me!"

frank giggled again. "i'll tell you if..." he looked around and spotted his rack of vinyls. he grinned a little. "if you promise to buy me a new record. and," he bit his lip, thinking a bit. "and pay for my next tattoo."

"what?!" brian stopped banging on the door and let his jaw hang slack. "that's- that's outrageous, i-" he hung his head. "fine, you fucking win. now let me in."

frank grinned and unlocked the door, stepping back as brian came tumbling in. brian stopped in front of frank and, holding the front of the smaller man's shirt, said, "fucking tell me."

frank gently pried brian's hands off his shirt. "gerard-" he blushed a little. "gerard kissed me."

brian's eyes widened in shock and he smiled. "nice work, boy! next step," brian added, leaning in and wiggling his eyebrows, "is doing the, y'know, dirty."

"ah, stop!" frank yelled, mortified. he pushed brian out of his room, blushing profusely. "get out! out!"

"fine, fine! i'm going!" brian protested, letting himself be shoved out the door. "but use protection!" he called behind his shoulder as he left down the stairs.

"brian!" frank shouted, still red.

"fine, fine! i'll leave you alone!"

frank, as soon as the embarrassed blush died down and the 'oh-my-god-gerard-way-fucking-kissed-me' blush came back, fell back onto his bed. he smiled idiotically at the ceiling and sighed.

this was going to be a long night.


aa another short filler update

so i have testing for the next week but !! i'll prolly be updating every day this week since i don't have any homework, and next week too for the same reason. [also next week i'm not taking the math tests so,,, more reason to update tbh]


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