i'd sometimes stare for hours

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warnings ; mentions of needles [just in case bc that is an actual phobia and i dont want to take any chances]

"so i'm thinking: a scorpion. but like, a badass scorpion." frank rambled, trying not to look like a complete idiot in front of gerard, who was raising an eyebrow at frank's antics.

frank blushed and shook his head so that his hair fell in front of his face. "sorry," he mumbled, twisting his fingers together and hunching in on himself.

gerard only laughed and smiled towards frank. "no, dude, it's okay? i like how... enthusiastic you are about it." he thought for a second and turned towards the tracing paper on the drawing board in front of him. "so, a scorpion, huh?" frank nodded. gerard hummed and pulled a pencil out of the mason jar - yes, he kept his pens and pencils in a fucking mason jar, the hipster - and started sketching out the most badass scorpion frank had ever seen.

once gerard was finished - which only took, like, three minutes or something crazy like that - frank whistled, causing gerard to blush and duck his head. "dude, this- this is- this is fucking perfect!" he held up the design to the light, appreciating the detail. "gerard, if you're so good with the designs, why don't you do the actual tattooing?"

gerard jumped back like he'd been shocked. "no! no, i mean - no, i couldn't do that."

"why?" frank smiled. "are you scared or something?"

gerard blushed a deeper shade of pink. "well.. yeah, kind of."

frank blinked. "oh, dude, i'm- i'm sorry, i didn't know-"

"it's okay." gerard smiled. "i'm just sort of, y'know, deathly terrified of needles. i mean, like, it's gotten better now that i work around them, but the thought of them actually going into my skin or any skin in general is like, the worst thing ever." frank nodded, and gerard sighed again, turning back to the paper in front of him. "did you want any other tattoos done while you're here?"

frank nodded. "oh! right! yeah, so i wanted 'halloween' across my knuckles." he paused, thinking. "in some sort of font that, like, you'd see in a horror movie. but not that weird ass dripping font that you see in those goosebumps things or whatever. like, big bold font you'd see on a vampire's castle or something epic like that."

gerard grinned widely. "you like horror movies?" frank nodded vigorously, causing a burst of laughter from gerard. "so.. why halloween?" he said, already sketching out the guidelines for the tattoo.

"it's my birthday." frank tilted his head to the side, watching gerard's fingers move the pencil to create the letters he wanted. "it's also my favorite holiday, but that just might be because it's my birthday."

gerard looked up from the paper. "really?" he beamed excitedly. "that's- that's sick." he then laughed. "oh my god, that just reminded me of my friend tyler."

"what?" frank asked, confused.

gerard chuckled. "my friend tyler and his boyfriend josh always say everything is 'sick as frick' and it's hilarious." he thought for a second before grinning again. "actually, it's not that funny, but it's really funny when they say it for some reason."

frank laughed. "so i take it you're okay with gay people?" he was trying to be smooth and slip it casually into the conversation, but realized his intention didn't work when gerard sent him an amused look.

"yes? why wouldn't i be? i am gay. i'm like, the queen of gay." gerard sassed, getting back to work on the design.

frank only laughed and nodded. "just asking."

it was silent again as gerard worked. his workroom - separate from the actual parlor - was small, but in frank's opinion, it was the best part of the entire place. the farthest wall from the door was blue and covered in different splashes in paint, as if gerard painted in his free time, which honestly? frank wouldn't be surprised if he did. the rest of the walls were covered in sketches, and- was that a drawing of frank?

"ah, gerard?" frank said, eyes still on the drawing. "is that a drawing of - me?"

gerard turned around and his cheeks turned pink. he scratched the back of his neck. "ah, well, yes, but like, i don't know, i saw you in the coffee shop and your bone structure looked really fun to draw, and-"

"it's incredible!" frank gushed, standing up from where he was sitting next to gerard and moving to where the drawing was tacked to the wall. and it really was incredible. everything about it was perfectly lifelike.

gerard coughed. "you could have it? only if you want, i mean, it's your choice?"

"yes!" frank squealed, rushing back to gerard and capturing him in a hug. "thank you!"

gerard hummed awkwardly. "uh, sure. anytime." he smiled again, gently prying frank off of him. "let's finish these designs, shall we?"


lmao i dont know where mikey is in all this probably having buttsecks with pete

okay so this chapter is terrible but like whatever i dont actually give any fucks at the moment

im v bored and i want a group chat so like either comment your kik or pm it to me or some shit and we can do that

or just add me to an existing chat because im procrastinating on hw and hhh

dedicated to CemeterySpells thank for actually showing you read my shit? i seem to have a lot of silent readers and so to see you actually enjoy it makes me v happy :^))

also like if youre reading this sentence right here can you please consider submitting an oc for my frerard it would mean a lot and like i cant update it until i get those characters??

please and thank


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