Part 27

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I sat in silence at the back seat as Damon drove the car with Christopher at the passenger seat. I had no idea where we were going or what was going on. All I knew is that Damon had to "get to know me to make this believable" but I had no idea what that entailed. Maybe we would be going to a restaurant of some sort.

Admittedly I was feeling slightly nervous because Christopher's family didn't exactly seem the most welcoming, even though i only met Damon. I mean he was polite but there also seemed to be something eerie about him. I was also quite disappointed that Barbara wasn't here with us, though I just met her she did have that comforting attitude that would have helped to bolster up my confidence. So it was just the three of us in this car journey.

Awkward. It was awkward as it was after mines and Christopher's little incident but more awkward since you could visibly feel the tension between Damon and Christopher. They played music to ease the silence but no-one seemed to actually pay attention the music. I occasionally did but I had t stop myself from bobbing along to the music. The last thing I needed to do was embarrass myself.

Damon tried making small talk about the weather, traffic and our surroundings now and there but his efforts usually failed. Mainly because I was an idiot who didn't know how to respond to small talk but I was also partly reluctant to talk, I didn't want to be overly- cooperative. Christopher didn't deserve to be let off that easily. And Christopher usually ignored Damon.

We finally parked up, next to several buildings and skyscrapers. It almost resembled New York City. Maybe that's where we were.

"I'll be back in sec. I just gotta hand in the parking ticket" Damon suddenly said, to no one in particular as he rushed out the car to do his job.

Christopher suddenly snapped his head towards me, his face looking all serous whilst a hard glare remained permanently masked on his face.

What did I do now?

"Look, I need you to not mess this up. Your not just meeting and getting to know Damon now. There's been a little change of plans. My dad will also be there so this isn't just some game any more" he said in seriousness, whilst his threatening tone began to lace his statement.

He stopped midway realising he had shocked me. His dad? I thought it was just Damon. Now there two people I have to lie to at once. Shit I can't do this. I'm a nervous wreck as it is, God knows how I'm going to handle this. Plus my recent encounter towards Christopher made feel hostile and reluctant to sway into his demands so easily. That explains why Barbara wasn't here. This is some sort of family meeting. To meet me.

Shit, this shit is serious. What the hell did Christopher get me into.

"Helooooo" Christopher suddenly waved in my face as his snapped his fingers to gain my attention.

I snapped my head towards his direction, not realising that I had ignored him.

"I said you can't screw this up. Do you hear me?" He threatened venom coming out his tone.

I meekly nodded in nervousness. What choice did I have.

Christopher suddenly scanned me and I felt self-conscious.

"I thought when I told you to get dressed, I told you to wear something more formal" he hissed as he signed in frustration.

"I -  I didn't know" I spluttered. How was I to know I would be meeting his dad. And how was I to know that the dress code would be bloody fancy. I was currently in a straight baggy black dress with black tights and a leather jacket. I threw on converses since that was my comfort forte. I felt out of place as I noticed Christopher sleeky, yet smart outfit. He was in black jeans with a fitted black top which was completed with his black loafers. I also recalled Damon's usual dress code of his Navy shirt with smart trousers. Shit I really was out of place but I guess my black outfit helped a bit.

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