~Back at Korbyn's house
I watched as Korbyn jumped out the window. Ben pinned his back against the door as Scarecrow tried the enter the room.
"Damn it, then we're just going to take her on by ourselves!"
Ben: Ehhh?! What are we supposed to fight with!?
He asked as a scythe ripped straight through the door. Ben stepped away from the door and both looked at Scarecrow as she tore the door off the wall.
"We have to attack NOW! "
I said as I ran and tackled her to the ground without realizing that Ben had disappeared somewhere.
" I can't believe he just did that!? "
I said as Scarecrow tossed me off of her.
I fell hard on the floor. It was hard to breathe. I slowly stood up and look at her as she grinned. She grabbed the handle on the stairs and stood up as hay was falling out of her left arm.
Scarecrow : You haven't seen anything yet.
She said as she ran and jumped towards me and swung her scythe. I quickly teloported behind her to dodge the swing. She stopped, turned around and smirked.
Scarecrow: That was quick, but not fast enough...
In a blink of an eye, she had me in a choke hold. How did she do this!? I struggle in her grip trying to gain air.
Scarecrow: Don't worry, it'll all be over soon. I've been waiting to kill you the longest. You weak human.
I slowly stopped moving and took what felt like my last breath. I looked down and noticed that there was water on the floor. It was everywhere. Scarecrow looked down at the water.
Scarecrow: What the!? Where is all this water coming from!?
She yelled as she slowly start shinking. The water turned dark blue and Ben raised from the water.
Ben: I remembered that your made of rags. So when their in water, they suck up the water and get heavy.
He explained. Her hand was soaking wet and let my neck go. I took gasps of air. And stood back.
Scarecrow: I can't move at all! This isn't normal water. I smell gas!?
Ben: Correct! There's a little hint of gasoline in the water. And by a little I mean a lot.
He grinned at her.
Ben: I feel a little guilty though. Because your pretty cute in a way but once again, I've seen better.
He said as he shrugged. He look at me as I was still rubbing my neck.
Ben: Dude, we should get going. I also turned the gas on downstairs.
I nod and we both head downstairs.
Scarecrow: Wait! You can't j.just leave me here!!
I stop and look at her.
"I think we can."
We quickly ran out the house as Ben through a match in the house. The house quickly caught on fire and blew up. I looked at Ben.
"Ya know, you didn't have to blow the whole house up. We could have just set her on fire."
Ben: Hmm, I could have but I didn't really take time to think about it like that.
"yeah, I can tell. Well I guess we should start looking looking for Korbyn now"
The Seer
FanfictionSome of the credit go's to Madem Macabre. You can go on her YouTube channel and watch some of the original Seer. Most of it is made by me.