Ch 1 Fidelio's Intro

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"All fairies report to the inter towns of twins, I repeat, all fairies report to the inter town of twins!"

I slowly open my eyes, groaning as I lay in my flower bed annoyed, just annoyed hearing the same announcement,
and over again..
I get up,
scratching my head, stretching my arms and legs up high.
I move to the right side of the bed and just stare out my window, and as always...
I see in my everyday life,
fairies in business suits,
in business dresses,
or holding there wands, running to there wish receivers.
They look stressed, but that's normal for a fairy in their daily life.

While I, just lay in my flower bed, relaxing, only because..
I'm half fairy and half human.
No fairy with a human half here has or ever has been selected to grant wishes to another species.

And I didn't care much, since it's a effort to go and do wishes for dumb people, who just can't do it themselves.

Since I don't have a job from the fairy wish thingy? My only job as a half half, which is what they call a half human and half fairy, is to pick berries and nuts for the fairy wishers to eat.
That's all, till I get my human features removed and then begin working.

Which is something I don't want to do.

I close my eyes, frustrated at just hearing it in my head. "Ohhhhh my sweettttt Fidelio, get uppppp darlinggggg !" With my name in it, sang a familiar women's voice. As she sang, I heard it slowly and closer. I open my eyes and saw this women smiling " My lovely Fidelio... Sweet Fidelio.." She said as she then flick my nose with her rough long fingers, that normal fairies have. Something that I don't have..
I then got up slowly and groaned.
I looked at her,
She was still smiling ..
That dork..

"" I said as I stretched once again, and got off from my flower bed. As I got up, my large wings, all warm wrapped around me, begin to spread and stretched, it felt nice.
Makes me wonder why human don't have wings. Looking at my wings, I see light lagoon green and ocean blue looped around the inside of it, like it was painted.
It always amuses me.
I slowly walked to my mirror, and there I was.
My mom was behind me, still smiling and giggling.
"Mom, why are you so weird.." I said as I saw her from the mirror.
Still smiling, she waves at me and flies downstairs while saying " You have that weirdness too, my little Fidelio." I smile to myself and mumble.  "Weirdo.." I then look at myself, mostly at my eyes.
Fairy eyes change color depending on there mood.
My eyes right now are colored green meaning
calm, peaceful, just normal.

I then take notice of myself,
Wearing a full on sleep clothing of spider webs.
Long sleeves, Long pants, So baggy!
I need to change!
Wearing my all day clothing, I turn to the mirror.
Wearing a deep red leaf vest and under it a white spider thread as the shirt. Then deep red leaf pants, pointy shoes and the hat of course.
As I look myself in the mirror, Mostly at my blond messy hair.
Time to fix this hair up!
I lift my hands to my hair and change my hair to more softer and natural look.
Still the same..but hotter!
I look at myself once more and smirk.
" Ohhhh Fidelioo, your so hot and is so my type!" I say with the squeakiest voice ever as I begin to comb my hair and smiling while doing it.
"Why can't I have you Fidelio!"  Hhehehhe so fun!
suddenly, the door opens, "ahhh!!" I shriek and look thought the mirror, terrified, seeing one of my best friends with red hair and different work clothes from mine fly inside.
"Fidelio!! Come on, your almost late for work!! Or are you just going to just continue to role play?" He said as he smirks and giggles at the same time.
As I look though the mirror, my eyes turn dark orange.

aggressive,annoyed, and bothered.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going, Aart!" Annoyed I replied.
Aart, noticing my mad look, flies to me laughing,
"Oh Fidelio, sweet Fidelio, when will you learn that you will never win a cute fairy with that attitude." Aart saids as he comes towards me and puts his arm around me.
My eyes turn to orange red

dark devilish, confident , smirking

I turn my head to face him, "Oh yeah? Well at least I can wait for a girl unlike you." A huge grin comes to my face, all Fairies know that if you wait for a while to date someone, you gain luck,
But not after 23.

That's bad luck for life. That's why my mom isn't so lucky for her flirty ways with men. She started dating guys in her early age, well there goes her luck.
I bet it's because she wanted her pretty face to be useful.. or something like that?

Aart looks at me,
his eyes are blue green

Calm, but inside, he's emotions are on a rampage.

If I can see he's mad from his eyes, he must know that I can tell and he can't hide it.
As he looks at me..
It's serious...
This atmosphere doesn't look too good..

Opening his mouth to say something.
Something... Serious... Scary...

"Oh my sweet Fidelio! Work is coming close!"
My mom enters all happy and cheery,
I turn and see her eyes are bright pink
Lovable, passionate, aroused

She looks at me, her long strands of Blond hair move as she flies inside my door, with her long white dress.

Her eyes instantly turn dark green
Distracted by something else, but knows the situation

She flies up to us and pushes us out the door. "Oh boys, stop messing around and enjoy the sun." Once were out, she smiled and saids "Enjoy your work!" and closes the door.

I look at Aart,
He's looking down, his eyes are brownish yellow.
Mixed emotions
Before I could say anything Aart looks at me, and smiles
"See you later Fidelio!" he saids, then he flies away. Right before I raised my hand to say something.
I forgot that Aart is very sensitive and takes things too seriously,
also he doesn't go to the same work as me.

I'm on my own, but hey!

At least I get free fruit to take home right after.

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