Ch 5 Mom's Frozen?

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I shriek.

"Ahhhh!! It's f-f-f-loating!?! Why is is f-floating!??"  I said as I exclaimed, looking at the hat, the way it floated in mid air right in front of me.
Suddenly the hat turned right side up and from the inside extended a full body, with clothing of course, out of it.

It looked just like the mad hatter but scarier and with blond hair.
I begin to look at its facial features.
It's a guy?!?

With short soft blond hair, the guy looks at me
I screaming once again, the guy with the hat, shocked, rushes to me and puts his hand on my mouth.

With his other hand he puts his index finger to his lips and saids softly to me
"Shhhhh, your mom will hear you.."

I turn red. I have never had a guy come this close to me ever since the play I did at middle school. I look at him.
Mostly his eyes.
There a shade of bright red.
Unless he's has color contacts to act for his cosplay, he's freaking me out with thoses eyes.
He looks at me and his eye color changes quickly.
It turns to deep teal then quickly to cobalt blue.
His contacts are scaring me again!

I look away.
His hand.
Still covering my mouth.
Still being close to me.

I freak out even more.

I feel my mouth being uncovered from his hand slowly.
I look back at him, he's quiet...
"Umm... Who are you!!?" I ask, bravely because why not.
His eyes get bigger and changed to bright green.
Seriously what contacts does he use.
I need them for cosplaying man!
He quickly backs away from me and bows down. Putting his top white hat to his hand. He looks at me.
"Hello darling, excuse me for my manners a while ago. My name is Fidelio Greenleaf. I am here to grant a wish from a worried friend of yours, to end that one sided love that will never come true." He said as he bows down once again then looks at me.

He gives me a wink, I give a disgusted  face.
"What!? Who are you creep!!! Are you a stalker!!!?" I freak out, yelling random stuff.
He looks at me and walks to me.
I walk slowly away from him.
"Miss, I mean no harm. Except your crush, but not from you. Unless you don't cooperate that is."
I cringe...
this guy!!!
His eyes turn to deep teal blue
What's with thoses eyes!!

He comes closer to me.
I can almost feel his breath from my face.


Suddenly Kiyoshi is in my mind.
Giving me realization.
I push this guy away, and get a book as a weapon.

"Get away!!!" I yell as loud as I can.

Mom I hope you aren't deaf and actually hear me screaming!

Without thinking and trusting my mom, I raise the book to the guy and hit him with it.

He falls, and lands on the floor.

I slowly creep up to him and grab a pencil from my desk.

I poke his shoulder with it once or twice.

He isn't moving...
I sigh in relieve.

I want to go downstairs to at least see if my mom, I don't know... Cares!!!!

I look at the guy that I smacked on my floor, then back at the door, then back at the guy.

....Should I leave?

What if he wakes up and runs away?

Then what prove do I have of screaming?

Like seriously!

I look back at him, and walk up to him.

As I come closer, I look at this guys face...

It's looks very smooth...

his hair...

It's so blond that I can see it as Macaroni...

and his ears...

Their pointy!!

"Like... a fair-"

He opens his eyes quick, and looks straight at me.

He opens his mouth and saids  "What... did you call me?"

I gulp!
Was I meant to say that?

Was that appropriate?

Yes it is!!
This guy came from a top hat!!

" A fairy!"

He sits up crisscross, without looking at me and looks down.. Smiling?

Heh.. Glad you know me now.."
He looks at me again.

"I noticed you were going to tell your mother of me, am I right?"

I look away, ticked off.

This guy!!!

"Tch! So what if I am!"

"Well, I froze your mom..."

I quickly look at him, he just shrugs smiling.

I get up and quickly run down stairs.

I look around and see my mom.

She there paint while listening to music with her headphones.

She paints and brushes the canvas as she moves her head and hums to the beat.

She's ok....

I quickly run back upstairs and open my room door.

There he is.

The stupid guy that made me think that he froze my mom because if he came from a hat.
He may do that.

He's there laying on my bed, humming and listening to my music on my phone.

Suddenly, I quickly remember of my own playlist I made for me to remember my Kiyoshi.

I run and try to attack this guy.
He laughs as he has my precious phone in his BLEH hands.

"Haha too short!"
"Give it back!! It has my-"
He gives me to me and smiles.

"Your what? Playlist of that guy? Haha, I already deleted it and his photos of him too."

Hello!!!! Sorry of my lateness like super late!
I was late because I couldn't give much thought into this book.
I thought I had it but lost it each time!

But suddenly after playing so many games where you are the main character and are with the guy you like and have moments with him *cough* *cough* otome game *cough*
I learned some good moments I can put!
Wish me luck!!!

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