Ch 2 Shea's Intro

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"Good morning everyone! Today's is a lovely day to tiger up and explore around in this beautiful sunrise! Also, be prepared to hear this weeks popular song from the radio yet! "
I open my eyes, looking up at the celling, then smiling as I hear the birds and the radio tweeting or talking how  todays going to be amazing day.
I hop out of bed, singing and dancing to the song on the radio.
"la Lala la lalala la Lala la lalala "
Dancing, running around my room. I go to my closet to find the fabulous clothing ever!

After a while, I dress up and look at my mirror.
I'm wearing a long, saggy, white sweater dress, since it's still spring, then blue, light pink and white around the flowers of the tights I'm wearing and white converse shoes to match my day out.
Back to the mirror, I look at my hair.
Hmmm, oh! Pigtails!
Holding on to half of my short brown hair, I hold it to a white ribbon for both of them to hold as a pigtail.
Once again at the mirror, I see my beautiful brown eyes and smiling I yell out.
"You got this!! Today is a very big day!! You come back more happier then right now, got it! Yes mam!" I nod, smiling  at the mirror and run downstairs.
I catch my eye on the food my mother was making, while my younger brother, Abel, was eating.
It's pancakes!!
"Morning darling!" Said my mom as she turns to me and smiles.
I smile back and repeat "Morning mom!"
"You seem happy, and I don't like it!" Said Abel as he turned, glaring at me. I just smiled back and yelled "I just feel like it's going to be a good day!! Gosh can't a girl enjoy her happy day?"  Abel looks at me for a while, gives me a ugly look, and then said while turning around "hmm nah!" and continued to eat his pancakes.
"Oh ignore him Hope, I'm glad your happy today, now eat your pancakes hehe."
I look at her and smile even more.
Once I hear that honk of the bus, I run out the door and yell,
"Bye mom!!"
"Have a good day at school love!" She shouts as she goes out the door and waves at me. I turn, wave back, then turn back to watch my step while entering the bus.

Once I'm inside, I look around to find him, and right from my eye...

there he is.....

My crush...

My everything...

I just stand there and look at him, and how he looks out the window quietly, looking at his long fingers, then looking out the window once again.
Ahhh... He's so dreamy..
"Blah.. "

His face is just too much for me..
Look at how he looks at his phone,
I wish I was in his contacts...

"Shea Hope!!!"
One of my best friends yells. I figure myself together, and look around.

I need to sit down.

I look at my best friend Ames, she look at me as if I don't know what a seat is and pats it right next to her. I look at her, nod, and sit next to her, still looking at him from the back of my eye.
"Shea.. Your being a creep again.."
"No.. I'm not..." I whisper, then turn around and look at her. "I'm just protecting him from any bad guy who would jump out the window, that's all" She looks at me.
Rolling her eyes and sighing.
"No it's true! What if, there's a bad guy who kills the bus women, then jumps and tries to kill my love! I then hop off the seat with my sword. Then snap! The bad guys dead, and I save the day. Then! All of a sudden!!"  I  said energetic, almost standing from my seat.
Ames then replies
"Then your crush falls for you and you both live happily ever after with having 2 children Lucy and Philip. Yeah, Shea, you tell me this every single day, but still don't talk to him."
"Shhhh!!" I said as I put one finger on Ames mouth. She looks mad, then pulls it away. "Eww!!!" She replies back.
I look at him from far away then back at Ames. "I....want to talk to him.."  I look back at him again.
Seeing his black curly hair move as he combs it down with his fingers. He turns to look at me.
I duck and look back at Ames.
"But... I'm scared I might scare him with my personally. He's so calm and I'm so.. Me..." I look down. Ames then, cups my face with her hands, and turns my face to her, smiling.

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