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It takes place in a forest where the fairies fly

dance, sing while the humans who are half human and

half fairy are below the powerful full faires

how do they become a human and half fairy in the first place?

well the fairies turn to a human and steal them away from there loved ones.

Faries may do that for a more popluation to there forest.

the fairies are human size and can turn small whenever they wish.

The fairies are very manipualting and steal from the humans to use for them selfs.

like the water, eletrtec, and clothing.

other fairies try to make something for themselfs but fail and die.

the fairies have a rule where you may mate with someone at a late 23 for a very special prize from the fairy king.

thoses who fail to do that shall hide in despair and not show there face at the baquet taken each year

the banquet is a special moment where the fairies are to recieve special stones.

theses special stones are to use for protection from scary animals or animals who steal food from them

it lasts about 3 months

the fairies are like labor workers

the half human and half fairy are decreasing because of the special chemical that can be used to put them into fairies

but there is a consecuquence

if there were to do that they can not have a heart and are to be cold and quiet as they work

there are told that they become alone and sad working forever cold hearted

thoses fairies are later into stage 2 after the cold heart they become weak and not mention about it because they are weak and cold heart.

stage 3 is they become unable to control there legs. they stop working. and just walk away from the forest of the fairies.

from everyone and never come back.

they disappear from the distance

the banquet also allows fairies to finally rest and relax.

it only is for a week for the baquet

after that they are back to wking

the fairies job as working is to help the animals and sacrafice there lifes helping animals and the king.

the king is a mystery.

he is not allowed to speak with any of the fairies and not allowed to step foot outside.

he will only recieve food and goods.

the most special thing for a fairy is themselfies and they would not care for any other family.

they are tricksters and find ways to manipulate the humans and others

special fiaries that are more tricksters then the others can have access to an all day lagoon.

this laggon can grand wishes and only for the most powerful ones

there have not been a time where the laggon can grand for half half

they are called that in the fairy forest

when a fairy is born what ever there eye color is, is what ever there fate is.

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