Chapter 13

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Running to the school gates, I poured water on my face to wake me up. Yeah I was quite tired, I was up all night with Kay and Rob masturbating. I wiped a tear from my eye, as I felt so emotional again.

They truly were my best of friends.

I powerwalked to our secret headquarters, The Seduction Institute . That's right; The SHI. And I was mother ducking CEO.

The school sewage.

I picked up my pace as I headed to our location, the school sewage couldn't seem more perfect. As I walked, my skinny ass and bones grinding against each other, I took a good whiff of the mould like scent protruding from our outdoor vent. My fragile bones shivered with glee.

Ha- even my bones are getting frisky.

This is going to be a good day.

As I lifted up the vent, and Kailey and Robert already there, warming up by massaging their ginormous feet.

"Hey, hey guys, you ready?" I asked, my eyes dancing with excitement.

They both went to the back of the sewage, and when they returned; two huge red cups engulfed my eyes. They really did it? Did they?

A misty, cloudy thick liquid like substance filled the red cups. A hand to my chest, I took it from them with a heavy heart.

"Okay, remember what you need to do? Get in the zone. Feel the actress feeling. Do your best- smash it," whispered Rob in my ear. I looked into his eyes and swooned. Oh, we've gotten so close. He is my best friend.

"We need to get going Rob," urged Kailey. "Remember- you are going to be deliberately late. Don't forget, make a scene."

"I won't forget," I promised.

They all left, making their way out; shooting me encouraging glances whilst walking out.

Right then, I rehearsed what I wanted to say and how I was going to act. Feeling ready and pumped I existed my secret lair and headed for the D zone; holding the two red cups in front me with pride.

Immediately after scratching my clit, I bumped into a hard, cold wall.

"Sorry," the wall spoke.

I looked up to see that same guy from Friday. Today he was wearing a dark green cardigan and dark blue denim jeans. I almost gagged. What is he doing?

"Oh Nora! It's you!"

I rolled my eyes, I know I look like Marilyn Monroe but come on- I'm one of a kind.

Standing there, looking at me awkwardly, he shifted from one leg to another, his cheeks going a crimson red so intensely.

Urghh! I can even smell the confidence radiating of him. So self-conceited- it''s...disgusting. Right, I need to go. Now. I am now becoming too late.

I moved to walk past him when he held me in place with his two hands.

"Nora- hold on, I wanted to actually ask you something."


"What might that be Justin?" I asked with annoyance.

"It's Derek."

"Okay, okay Jude...listen, I need to get somewhere." I looked at the clocked right behind Jude's head. Oh no! It's almost ten minutes till first-period ends.

"Please make it quick.

"Just give me a minute. Just one minute- I promise...?"

I tapped my foot on the marble floors, arms crossed, tongue itching to baptise this Jude guy with my shit...but... I was going to let him talk. Besides- just one-minute won't hurt?

"Go on," I said.

"Okay, Nora. Ever since I saw you that day- I couldn't get you out of my mind. You're so beautiful;"

I huffed with exasperation. This guy was just telling me things which I'm aware of. As if I didn't know what a sexy beast I am.

"I want to ask you; sweet, sweet Nora- will you go out me?"

Suddenly I heard the mechanical switch of the clock hitting 9:20am. Right- now I really need to go.

"Nora?! Nora?! What's the answer then?"

I looked up at him. Jeez, this guy was sweating. He was obviously nervous- or maybe he was just so nervous that he will be declined; ruining his bad boy reputation. How shallow can he get?

"Sorry I don't know what's gotten into me haha. I'm actually really dehydrated- mind if I have a cup?"

Without warning- he grabbed one of my red cups and downed it down with such ferocity.

"Hmmm...freshing. Can I have another one? " he says, barely waiting for an answer. There he went- drinking in all my hard work.

I screamed loudly; ripping parts of my hair out. Stealing a glance at the clock- I am way beyond late...and I have nothing prepared.

Running off, dismissing all shouts from Fitzgerald who still had my red cups in his hands, I made my way to Mr. Kourke's room. Standing outside his room door- the pixelated glass still revealed the outwards Pentagon like appearance of his head.

My heart pounded.

I need to do this.

I barged into the classroom and melted into the ground.

Tears naturally started to flow down from my eyes. All my hard work was gone...

Behind my blurred eyes I could make out Mr. Kourke abnormal rectangular head...was he coming closer?

He immediately dropped to the floor and took off his rag of a suit, wrapping it around me with so much concern.

"Nora?? Are you okay??!" he shouted in my ear. His hot, toxic stench engulfed my senses. God this man.

I looked up at him with my small immature eyes. His own swamp eyes told a story.

Oh Lord.

What am I to do with him?

In a middle of a class and he cant keep his eyes off me...

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