Chapter 1: I'm Never Gonna Learn

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Song for this chapter: Reckless and Relentless

Lana's POV

"What times this guy getting her then?" I sighed out of boredom as I played with random apps on my phone. It wasn't that I wasn't excited to see him because believe me I was very happy to meet whoever it is that's solidifying the chance that I never have to see Danny again, but the longer he takes to arrive, the longer I have to wait for food.

"He should've been here about ten minutes ago," A hungry Ben grumbled next to me.

"I'm sure he won't be long," The bands tour photographer, and my best friend, Emma spoke up from her isolated place in the corner of the large booth, twirling her silver hair around her finger. She was sat next to Cameron who was sat next to James who was sat next to Sam and I was sat next to Ben on the outer edge of the booth who was sat next to his girlfriend Lucy, who was my other best friend.

"Aye Den-Den!" Ben exclaimed, looking at the door and waving his arms about like a mad man. We all looked down at the table and noticed the three empty bottles of beer next to him: he's already drunk. Normally we limit our drinking, but he's nervous so I guess we just let him off with it.

"Ben sit down," Lucy hissed at Ben who was now standing on the chair.

"Dude you're gonna get us kicked out, I'm sure he knows we're over here by now," I laughed.

He sat down and a tall man approached us. He sat down next to me on the booth and it took all I had not to gawk at him; he was the literal definition of chiselled good looks. He had shiny chocolate brown hair that swept across his forehead and covered his ears, almond shaped, caramel coloured eyes, cheekbones so hollow you could literally see them move as he spoke, a jawline sharp enough to cut diamond and fairly tanned skin along with full lips and eyebrows more on track than my life. He had a few noticeable tattoos and you could see the top of an owl peeking out from under his t-shirt.

"Denis this is Sam, Cam, Emma, Lucy and Lana," Ben pointed us all out, since Denis had met both him and James before. His eyes lingered on me a moment longer than the others, only a moment, but it was enough to make my face grow hot.

"Denis," He smiled and shook the guys hands, he couldn't reach Emma and Lucy and then he took my hand and planted a small kiss on my knuckles. My face was on fire at this point and I caught sight of James smirking at me.

"Are you excited to join the band then?" Emma asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm ecstatic, I've always been a fan of your music and I'm so happy I'm being given an opportunity to work with you guys."

"We're really happy to work with you as well, you have an amazing voice," Sam grinned.

"Thank you," He replied, slightly awkwardly.

"Is there anything you're worried about?" I asked. "I mean coming into a new band and replacing a singer must be a scary thing."

"I'm worried I won't be accepted by the fan base and you guys will lose all of your fans because Danny had such a huge following."

"Honestly we think our loyal fans will love you, a lot of them have promised to stick with us no matter what and a few of them even want you and all the 'Danny girls' fucked off the second he left. Those in it for the music will stay because you're talented as shit." Cam reassured him.

"We've already gained following since Danny left due to the media coverage and the hype over the new singer and a few people have even said they used to be a fan, but fucked off when we started drinking and partying too much and ruined our music by doing a whole album drunk, but now we've cleaned up and Danny's gone they've come back to see what we'll be like without him," James added.

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