Chapter 4: Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind To A New World

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Song for this chapter: Run Free - Asking Alexandria

Lana's POV

I woke up the next morning in an incredibly foul mood. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the fact that I was both drunk, hung up on everything Emma said and just hung up on Denis altogether.

I stood up and my head span slightly, but not enough for me to class myself as hungover. I went into my bathroom to get some Tylenol to get rid of the dull pain at the back of my head and recoiled at the sight of myself in the mirror; my hair was practically a birds nest on top of my head, there were deep, dark purple bags under my eyes and my skin was a sickeningly pale, almost grey, colour. I quickly brushed my teeth, to get rid of the taste of alcohol in my mouth, splashed my face with cold water in an unsuccessful attempt to get some colour to it and brushed my hair out and put it up into a high ponytail. I then took the Tylenol and tried to wash it down with tap water as best as I could without a cup.

After that, I went into my wardrobe and grabbed a baggy grey jumper that was about five sizes too big for me and reached down to about my knees - it also belonged to Ben. I also pulled on a pair of leggings and some fluffy black slipper socks deciding that the outside world was not a place I wanted to be today.

I trudged out of my room and into the kitchen, stepping over Cameron whom had passed out in the hall. I walked into the living room and saw Denis sprawled out on the floor which made me smile softly. His face was lulling to the side and he had a soft smile on his face, his eyelids fluttering indicating that he was dreaming. My eyes landed on Emma who was curled up on the couch on her phone and my smile dropped.

I know that she was pissed off her face last night and didn't mean to say what she said, but they say that drunk people speak sober thoughts so I was mad that she was judging him without knowing him; she'd get mad if anyone did it to her or any of the rest of us and it's really hypocritical to be honest. I honestly don't know why I'm getting so upset about it, I'm probably just angry that she's being so close minded considering the 'scene' we're in.

"Hey," She grinned at me. I gave her a false smile in return and raised my eyebrow slightly for a split second. Her smile faltered and her eyes filled with concern and I knew at that moment that she remembered nothing of the night before. "What?" She asked.

"You don't remember do you?" I chuckled darkly.

"Remember what?" She asked, genuinely cluelessly.

"We had a huge argument last night," I sighed.

"Oh," She nodded, probably at a loss for words. There was an awkward silence for a few moments as she stared at her phone screen with her lips pursed, not actually looking at what was on it but just avoiding my gaze as I stated directly at her waiting for her to say something more than 'oh'. "What did we argue about?" She eventually asked.

I stood up and motioned for her to follow me into the kitchen, not wanting to just sell her out right there to Denis who was stirring slightly and would most definitely wake up during our conversation. I may be mad, but I'm not a bitch.

Once she got into the kitchen, I shut the door, not before checking that Denis had fallen back asleep which he thankfully had. I turned to face her and she raised her eyebrows expectantly at me. "You said some really bad shit about Denis," I shrugged.

"Oh," She nodded, looking like a guilty puppy that had been caught eating the sofa.

"Yeah, oh."

"Look, I was drunk-" She started.

"Drunk people speak sober thoughts," I cut her off.

"Lana," Emma sighed and rang her hand through her hair.

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