Chapter 6: You Make Me Feel Like I'm Slowly Drowning

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Song for this chapter: The Black (Acoustic) - Asking Alexandria

Lana's POV

"Is your friend nice?" I asked nervously as I fiddled with the string on my hoodie. I'm really glad I packed a lot of warm clothes because it's proving to be very cold.

"He's really nice. He actually really wanted to meet you when I told him that I was moving the date I was coming so that you could come. The whole band are pretty big fans of you guys to be honest," Denis chuckled, taking his eyes off of the road for a moment to glance at me.

"Us guys," I corrected him which sparked the biggest grin on his face. I started to smile too, he had one of those infectious smiles that was impossible not to smile back at. 

He pulled up at the pub and the smile was quickly wiped off of my face and replaced with a grimace as nerves settled in the pit of my stomach. Denis got out of the car, leaving me to work everything out for myself, and ran towards a fairly tall man with the most amazing cheekbones I've ever seen who was leaning against the wall on his phone. When Denis reached him he put his phone away hastily and did some bro hug thing with him.

I finally figured out how to lock the car with the weird key that I had never seen or used before that was controlled by buttons so you couldn't just stick it in the car and lock it. Then I shoved my hands in the pocket of my hoodie and slowly walked up to them, staring at my boots instead of looking up at them. For someone who tours the world and meets so many people every day, my people skills are horrific.

"Hello gorgeous," Kir smirked. He had a thick accent that had some sort of velvety quality to it. He took my hand by the tips of my fingers and brought it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly and then looking up into my eyes and giving me a cheeky smile. "I'm Kir."

"Lana," I replied shyly. I'm really good with talking to people when it comes to meeting the AA Family but it's kind of hard to believe that this guy is a fan since they don't tend to be so forward.

I looked up at Denis for help because I was starting to feel not only incredibly awkward but also extremely uncomfortable and from the looks of it Denis wasn't enjoying this visit much either since his fists were balled up by his sides, his jaw was locked and his eyes for whatever reason were now shooting daggers at his friend. He looked down at me and saw I was looking at him and his face immediately softened. I gave him a small, nervous smile and he wrapped an arm around me, reassuring me that it was okay, something that honestly made my heart rate increase immensely. I hate being such a cliche girl, but this man is pretty much perfect so it's kind of hard not to be.

Denis and Kir chatted for a few more minutes, Kir also telling me how much of a big fan he is, and then they decided to get a picture since it could be the last one they take for a while and then post it on the Internet. May I also add that his arm stayed firmly around my shoulder the entire time. Denis pulled his phone out and Kir moved to the other side of me, resting his arm on my head. Both boys laughed at how small I was and I scowled for a moment before slapping on a fake smile as Denis took the picture.

He went to post the photo, still not taking his arm off of me, and I quickly got notifications on Instagram and Twitter. I couldn't be bothered to like or retweet on either so I just glanced at the notifications quickly and then put my phone back in my pocket.

"Shall we go in?" Kir suggested after a moment of awkwardly standing there. If they're such good friends why is it so awkward?

"Yes," Denis replied quickly and guided me to the door, still not taking his arm off of me but moving it down to my waist instead. I don't know how I feel about all of this nor do I know what it means.

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