Chapter 5: With Love To Give That Leaves You Breathless

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Song for this chapter: Breathless - Asking Alexandria

I did so much research for this chapter I found out the flight time between a London airport and one in Ukraine which is approximately 2 hours and 44 minutes and also the time difference between the UK and Ukraine which is around 2 hours so that's why the times seem weird in the chapter because I applied the time zones to it.

Lana's POV

"That was so amazing!" Denis exclaimed as we sat down in the plane. We'd just been to London to visit the fans and they all loved him so he was still a bit awestruck about it.

"Yeah, it was," I agreed.

"I can see why you love this band so much with fans like that," He remarked.

"Yeah, they're honestly one of the best things about this job," I nodded as we buckled in.

We had to stay silent as we sat through the safety procedures that I've heard so many times I could probably recite them backwards while drunk. I stared at my lap the whole time because I felt Denis's eyes on me and his gaze always made me get all blushy and nervous and I'm never able to form coherent sentences and ramble a lot.

Throughout the trip we'd actually gotten a lot closer and I was more comfortable around him as a person - this was probably due to the fact that he was in a strange country and clung to me like a lost puppy - but I still get nervous around him and I can't place why. I'm probably also more comfortable around him because when we were in London we visited my parents, who are probably the most skeptical, judgmental people ever, told me they liked him and I should keep him in my life and I've always trusted their judgement. My mum also said (in front of Denis may I add) that he would be 'great boyfriend material' which he laughed at, but he's been a bit more affectionate since, it's probably just my imagination though.

"Lana?" Denis whispered into my ear and shook me softly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling softly as I turned around and was met by his beautiful, chestnut eyes.

"My friend wants to meet up with me tomorrow since I probably won't see him again for a while, do you want to come?" He breathed, his face so close to me that I could smell the remnants of alcohol and tobacco on his breath along with the coat of mint trying to cover it up.

"Sounds fun," I replied.

"Awesome." He gave me the most adorable smile.

I jumped slightly as I felt the plane lift off of the ground; I was so caught up with Denis that I didn't notice the plane moving. Denis noticed me jump as he chuckled and took my hand in between both of his and rested them on his lap. Thankfully he didn't know why I had jumped because it would've been a very awkward three hour plane ride.

I yawned loudly and looked out of the window at the pitch black sky; the flight for whatever reason was at 3am so I'd been in the airport since 12 due to their stupid 'get here at least two hours before your flight' policy and I didn't manage to sleep beforehand because I was still wide awake from sleeping in until 3pm and since I probably won't sleep on this three hour flight and I'm packing up Denis's apartment with him tomorrow, I won't get to sleep again for at least another nineteen hours.

"Do you want to sleep?" Denis asked, yanking me from my train of over-thinking.

"I do, but I won't be able to," I chuckled.

"Rest your head on my shoulder and try and get some rest love, we're pretty busy tomorrow," He encouraged me, his hot breath tickling just below my ear.

"Are you sure?" I mumbled, my eyelids becoming increasingly heavy.

"I insist," He replied and lifted his arm up so I could lay down comfortably. I reluctantly rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me tightly, making sure I stayed upright and comfortable. "Sweet dreams," He murmured and kissed my temple. Sadly I didn't manage to fall asleep before the blood rushed to my cheeks making me the human embodiment of a chili however I did manage to fall asleep before I could feel embarrassed about it.

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