Chapter 7: Through Sin And Self Destruction

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Song for this chapter: Reckless and Relentless - Asking Alexandria

Lana's POV

"Happy birthday to you!" Ben and James sang drunkenly to Emma, waving their beers in the air.

It's been about two weeks since Denis and I returned from Ukraine and Emma and I made up and it's been really nice around here lately. Denis listened to some of the songs Ben wrote for our new album and convinced him that none of us wanted the album to be about Danny and together they managed to write some amazing songs. I think I've developed some sort of silly crush on Denis that I'm really hoping will pass because dating a band member is a really bad idea never mind dating a band member who just so happens to be the lead singer of your band so instead of being apart for months at a time like most people who date band members deal with, we'd never get a break and if we broke up shit could get awkward real quick and we'd have to spend months at a time in an enclosed space, probably at each other's throats unless we ended on good terms. It sounds like I'm overthinking, and I probably am, but I've been trying to convince myself for months to not have a crush on him because of how many ways it could, and most likely will, go wrong.

Denis has moved into his own apartment now, but whenever Ben is round Lucy's or I'm just feeling generally lonely he always comes round with some ice cream and a movie. I really value him and I've known him only a few weeks, it's really nice.

"We've only just started dinner, the cake isn't even out yet," Lucy chuckled.

Emma started coughing and spluttering as if she had choked on her drink and Cameron was smirking instead of looking concerned which is really odd. I noticed his arm was off to the side so I looked down and noticed that his hand was resting on her inner thigh - very high up may I add.

I cleared my throat subtly so only Emma would hear. She looked up at me and I moved my gaze down to her lap where she quickly threw Cameron's hand off and shifted slightly, but also went a deep red because she knew I'd seen it all happen. Cameron however was completely oblivious to everything and happily munching on his burger.

"Um Lana, can you come and help me with the balloons?" Emma said slowly. She always was a really bad liar.

"Sure." I raised an eyebrow and we both stood up, making our way into the kitchen.

As soon as we walked in, she slammed the door and turned to face me, her face redder than the devil and more serious than a court case. "You cannot tell anyone."

"Relax I won't. Why so serious though, this is amazing!"

"Yes, this is amazing and it's been amazing for the past few months and I don't want it out in the open where there's the possibility it could be ruined. Don't take offence to the fact that I didn't tell you I just didn't want to risk it because it's the best thing I've had in a while."

"It's fine, I get it. I won't tell a soul." I promised, putting my hand on my heart for extra effect.

"Good because if you do don't think I won't tell everyone about your little thing for Denis." She threatened in a hushed tone.

I went bright red and looked down. She's right, it is only a little thing, but the guys would take the piss out of me nonstop if they knew about it and Denis would never look at me the same either. "Okay." I mumbled.

The door swung open and a hammered Denis came swaying through it. "Don't mind me ladies just getting a knife." He caught my eye and subtly winked at me, a smirk pulling at his lips. The wink however was not subtle enough as Emma nudged my side suggestively, causing an already prominent blush to darken.

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